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Aaron 05-05-2011 09:33 PM

I say close that stupid photo thread and delete posts that are lame. The photo thread is just a circle jerk that could be combined into the comm thread, at least if you centralise it then you can ignore that thread entirely and leave it to spam along.

adb 05-05-2011 09:40 PM

would be a stupid idea

posting pics in the middle of a discussion = too cluttered

Aaron 05-05-2011 09:49 PM

Boohoo clutter.

Tyler 05-05-2011 09:51 PM

[QUOTE=Aaron;18502127]I say close that stupid photo thread and delete posts that are lame. The photo thread is just a circle jerk that could be combined into the comm thread, at least if you centralise it then you can ignore that thread entirely and leave it to spam along.[/QUOTE]

yeah i've always considered this. now that im back around im gonna see what's what

Jackie Gleason 05-05-2011 09:52 PM

ill take care of it i got tihs

Tyler 05-05-2011 10:03 PM

k thanks

Jackie Gleason 05-05-2011 10:05 PM

first order of business change comm thread to dancy bear bitch thread

lukeskywalkertakingadump 05-05-2011 10:22 PM

[QUOTE=P13;18502056]they gotta get their post count up that's what really counts in life you know[/QUOTE]

it has nothing to do with post count or how long people have been here. it's that people from the pit act like this is the pit II and only talk in the comm thread.

this is a music forum, all of the regs talk about music and rec things to each other and discuss bands etc. the comm thread is for discussion within this community. people who only post in that thread aren't really a part of the community. they should go back to the pit if they want to triple post nonsense.

thinwhiteduke 05-09-2011 07:46 PM

[QUOTE=Beatsearch;18499512]To enjoy kinds of music need a powered speakers, so what fans choose first?[/QUOTE]

this hasnt been answered yet

MalleusMaleficarum 05-09-2011 07:54 PM

the brown bare dancefloor

blockhead 05-10-2011 11:03 AM

shut the fuck up faggot

adb 05-15-2011 02:13 AM


change comm thread title to:

(_o_) butthole: a community thread (_O_)

Haz 05-15-2011 02:15 AM

why not butth(_o_)le

adb 05-15-2011 02:16 AM

because that looks like an eye sore

witchxrapist 06-03-2011 03:08 AM


please ban this insufferable fucking faggot

TimJim 06-03-2011 07:30 AM

every new post by him ruins the community more than if the servers were to go down 23/24 hours per day


Haz 06-03-2011 07:36 AM

lol remember when I went to ban him on sight for a month. then I tried to be fair by enforcing some rules on Mappy who got mad at me. then Blockhead started complaining, and it was a big shitstorm so I just gave up modding

the lesson I learnt is that if you try to be all things to everybody you become nothing to nobody

Tyler, [I]please[/I].

adb 06-03-2011 12:17 PM

I didnt even say anything in that post mappy is linking

I'm being serious here: the only time mappy complains about me is when he's having problems in his life. Look through all the time's he's reported me and you'll find posts in the same time frame of him complaining about his surroundings. It is completely obvious he has problems irl, and he takes it out on me on this forum for relief.

I could have absolutely teared into him the past few days from posts he's made about his family and friends drama but I didn't because tyler put me on an invisible leash in the photo thread

tl;dr: I didn't do anything

adb 06-03-2011 12:25 PM

and for goddsake, I just read the comm thread.

I've always just wanted equal treatment: I didn't even say anything malcious to him and mappy goes on a huge psycho rant about me and tells me to kill myself and all that shit.

[QUOTE]Yeah man, repeat the same awful joke AGAIN when somebody's depressed because their brother is fucking dying.


Seriously, YOU complain about how you forgot to get a girl's number. Get your head out of your ass. Half of your posts are explaining your fucking day that nobody even cares about. Like seriously dude, SICK YOU LINK YOUR TACO BLOG AHAHAHAHA. Eat shit and die, you pathetic anorexic faggot.

Like seriously. You complain more than ANYONE on this fucking forum, and you don't even have real life fucking problems. Fuck man, you complain about people complaining about the lives they actually have. Stop being such a bitter fucking faggot and just hang yourself already, because the anorexia isn't gonna get you fast enough.

all because I said: "real talk" which was me showing restraint where I could have unleashed the troll on him.

TimJim 06-03-2011 02:33 PM

or you could try to be normal instead of trying to control your inner troll and maybe people wont blame you for why the forums suck

witchxrapist 06-03-2011 02:44 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18530120]I didnt even say anything in that post mappy is linking[/quote]
Yes you did. You bitched at me for complaining. I said I can't get over the fact that my brother is dying, you bitter piece of shit.

[quote]I'm being serious here: the only time mappy complains about me is when he's having problems in his life.[/quote]
Make more shit up, it won't make you look like a total child, [B]Brent Shannon[/B].

[quote]Look through all the time's he's reported me and you'll find posts in the same time frame of him complaining about his surroundings.[/quote]
Or when you're derailing threads being a complete faggot, or when you go on 4 day rants and say you hope I die because I quoted you ([B]Brent Shannon[/B]) referring to the Contortionist as jazz fusion.

[quote]It is completely obvious he has problems irl, and he takes it out on me on this forum for relief.[/quote]
It's completely obvious that ANYBODY would get pissed off at a stupid motherfucker who argues constantly about shit that doesn't matter and complains how the girl he lost his virginity won't answer his phone calls telling them they complain too much when they're upset about a family member having terminal cancer.

[quote]I could have absolutely teared into him the past few days from posts he's made about his family and friends drama but I didn't because tyler put me on an invisible leash in the photo thread[/quote]

And you don't tear into anyone [B]Brent Shannon[/B]. you repeat the same rehashed bullshit. you say shit like YOU MAD or PICK ONE or I LACK SOCIAL SKILLS AND ANY REDEEMING QUALITIES WHATSOEVER.

Only in [B]Brent Shannon's[/B] fantasy land, where reading more than a paragraph that isn't a personal rant is mind wrenching labor. Because you're a fucking moron.

[quote]I didn't do anything[/QUOTE]
Lying to yourself is an awesome conclusion, [B]Brent Shannon[/B].

Iscariot 06-03-2011 04:06 PM

tyler just ban brent on sight like your threatened

every time he makes a new account he's going to post in r&m so between everyone here who recognizes the way he posts (like an autistic 9-year old) keeping him away from here should be easy work

Angmar 06-03-2011 04:54 PM

The dude needs a break, if we ever want him to start treating the forums with respect (which he should because he literally needs us for 99% of his social interaction) the dude should take an enforced break so he might think twice about trying to shit on the forums he so desperately needs.

adb 06-03-2011 05:37 PM

mappy: you are pitful. I didn't say anything at all relating to your brother, but continue to use this as an outlet to get all your feelings out.

tyler: please be fair. As soon as you said I was close to ban on sight I calmed down. Nobody really complains about me to the point where they report me, then the second mappy comes and and reports it's the typical mob mentality.

The rules are rules. I ask that nobody use my full name and mappy right now is acting like a complete child. If you can please delete his post itt and this one:


that would be cool. I've always co-operated with your modding but mappy on the other hand hasn't.

If I'm banned it would only be fair if mappy was too. I really didn't do anything.

everyone else: stop being such sensitive cry babies. If you have a personal issue with me talk to me on aim. You really need to realize I am not malicious

adb 06-03-2011 05:42 PM


and delete this shit please

Iscariot 06-03-2011 05:46 PM

[quote=adb]If I'm banned it would only be fair if mappy was too. I really didn't do anything.[/quote]

no that wouldn't be fair at all mappy is retaliating because you don't know when to just shut the fuck up and he'd normally just try to ignore you or throw some jabs like the rest of us but you don't seem have an 'off' switch and despite whatever fantasy world you've constructed in your head no one but yourself actually finds you even slightly entertaining

all you do is derail threads with your aspie rants and get on everyone's nerves if it were up to me you would have been on ban on sight status a long time ago

the short-term enjoyment people find in trolling you isn't worth the long-time annoyance you represent

get a fucking life

adb 06-03-2011 05:47 PM

jared, you've barely posted in r&m and think you can just talk shit about me when I've done nothing to you

I didn't fucking say anything to mappy, what the fuck is everyones problem

I didn't say anything personal to him about his last few fucking days of crying about his life

adb 06-03-2011 05:49 PM

just look at all the shit mappy is doing on this forum, he's spamming my name everywhere when I didn't make any personal attacks on him


I'll talk to you on aim sometime tyler, this is asinine.

Iscariot 06-03-2011 05:55 PM

what's really absurd is that you think you're in some position to bargain on what punishment should be dealt out

and this

[quote]you've barely posted in r&m[/quote]

are you aware that everyone on mx knows who you are? and before your ego explodes it's not because you're funny or well-liked it's because you're a fucking joke

no one on mx would so much as shrug if you blew your brains out today what's unfair is that you're too retarded to take the hint and just stop posting here there have been some really, really awful posters on mx over the years but most of them leave or change their tune once the entire populous of the boards hates them

but you? no you just get worse

xMalcolmXx 06-03-2011 05:57 PM

mods r biased

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