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adb 09-23-2011 08:52 PM

lmao plow

Aakon_Keetreh 09-23-2011 08:52 PM

[QUOTE=Mr. Ron;18656128]yeah this is really good

they did a split with deathkey too[/QUOTE]

deathkey is some good stuff

Haz 09-23-2011 11:58 PM

if there is one thing awkward pop has taught me it is the cycle of post-industrial music lands back squarely at top 40 pop, mainstream rock and nu-metal


so this isn't to be confused with that [I]Paper Musi[/I]c you posted not so long ago?

Aakon_Keetreh 09-24-2011 12:16 AM

anyone like FFH?

Aakon_Keetreh 09-24-2011 02:25 AM

fav death in june album?

Haz 09-24-2011 02:32 AM

[I]Brown Book, Scorpion Wind[/i] or [i]Kapo![/i]. [i]Burial, The Wall of Sacrifice[/i] and [i]But What Ends When The Symbols Shatter?[/i] come close, never cared too much for[I] Rose Clouds of Holocaust[/I] for some reason

[I]All Pigs Must Die, The Rule of Thirds[/I] and [I]The Peaceful Snow[/I] are my least favourite, our of the slew of late 90's/2000 stuff I can actually remember. I can give them an ironic listen, but fortunately his earlier stuff was comparatively cheese-free.

Haz 09-24-2011 04:00 AM


Drugstep 09-24-2011 10:41 AM

so this isn't to be confused with that [I]Paper Musi[/I]c you posted not so long ago?[/QUOTE]

nah that was some old german musique concrete this is some pretentious modern day shit

i never got around to listening to that album you rec'd me of a tape recorder being buried underground for an hour

Haz 09-24-2011 11:05 AM

well, it was a disaster. so don't worry

Drugstep 09-24-2011 11:26 AM

this is probably the greatest gem i've found in awful music


kitsch 09-24-2011 03:39 PM

looks pretty interesting, if novel

Countorus 09-24-2011 03:46 PM

[QUOTE=Aakon_Keetreh;18656031]count you know any good cold war terrorism themes in PE?[/QUOTE]

only things that come to mind are koufar and ffh but i know u have both of those

kitsch 09-24-2011 03:51 PM

if you guys find anything post it here that would sound interesting

Drugstep 09-24-2011 04:16 PM

I'm not gonna lie i've been listening to some entry level dubstep on skullcandys lately and it feels good

Haz 09-24-2011 04:17 PM

wump wump womp

kitsch 09-24-2011 04:18 PM

emeralds is pretty badass. picked up [I]what happened?[/I] blind at a record store the other day and am pretty impressed

Drugstep 09-24-2011 04:18 PM

[QUOTE=Haz;18656775]wump wump womp[/QUOTE]

was just listening to that one

Nepenthe 09-24-2011 04:30 PM

does it look like i'm here was one of the best albums of last year. if you like what happened you absolutely have to get it, def emeralds' best yet.

don't be ashamed dude i be listen to dubstep

Haz 09-24-2011 04:31 PM

[QUOTE=Drugstep;18656780]was just listening to that one[/QUOTE]

I need to balance out my womps with some djents

Haz 09-24-2011 04:40 PM


post-Marilyn Manson album art

Drugstep 09-24-2011 04:54 PM


RouteOne 09-24-2011 06:19 PM


Juddybear 09-24-2011 06:20 PM

oh you kids

RouteOne 09-24-2011 06:24 PM


*awkward dance*

Haz 09-25-2011 01:31 AM

Parade Ground is cool

Aakon_Keetreh 09-25-2011 10:38 AM

yay new zola jesus leaked. so happy.

Countorus 09-25-2011 10:57 AM

is it pretty

kitsch 09-25-2011 11:03 AM

checking out the other emeralds, parade ground, and zola jesus because of this page of the thread

Aakon_Keetreh 09-25-2011 11:22 AM

[QUOTE=Countorus;18657579]is it pretty[/QUOTE]


Haz 09-25-2011 12:20 PM

i listened to Zola Jesus once and found it kinda tedious

jon got any stuff that sounds like Strongblood?

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