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Silenius 01-04-2008 10:10 PM

[size=7]STOP POSTING.[/size]

Angmar 01-04-2008 10:12 PM

[QUOTE=Silenius;15788029][size=7]STOP POSTING.[/size][/QUOTE]

BRA could learn a lot from this lesson.

Niflheim II 01-04-2008 10:13 PM

BRA should post more because he brings endless hilarity.

Valhall 01-04-2008 10:13 PM

[QUOTE=Luc214;15788007]Axl not all Jews disregard other religions' practices as "inferior" just like not all Christians do either.


Notice how I said "Judaism", not "Jews", Christianity, not "Christians".

My hatred is not all-inclusive. I target the catalyst, not the puppet.

Eliminator 01-04-2008 10:14 PM


Tyler 01-04-2008 10:15 PM

Clicking on the "last page" button I had hoped to read some more religious dilettantism and awkward arguing.

So thanks for that.

RetiredAt21 01-04-2008 10:34 PM

BRA tries way too hard to sound smart.

Niflheim II 01-04-2008 10:41 PM

[QUOTE=RetiredAt21;15788138]BRA tries way too hard to sound smart.[/QUOTE]

It is also ****ed up the things he does with his kids, id post here but I dont want to get banned.

publicastration 01-04-2008 10:42 PM

[QUOTE=Valhall;15788045]Notice how I said "Judaism", not "Jews", Christianity, not "Christians".

My hatred is not all-inclusive. I target the catalyst, not the puppet.[/QUOTE]

The reason those problems arise is not the base religion's fault, but is due to personal interpetation.

Valhall 01-04-2008 10:44 PM

[QUOTE=Luc214;15788166]The reason those problems arise is not the base religion's fault, but is due to personal interpetation.[/QUOTE]

The problems exist on both levels.

RetiredAt21 01-04-2008 10:51 PM

[QUOTE=Niflheim II;15788160]It is also ****ed up the things he does with his kids, id post here but I dont want to get banned.[/QUOTE]

I can only imagine... :eek:

Valhall 01-04-2008 11:11 PM

[QUOTE=Niflheim II;15788160]It is also ****ed up the things he does with his kids, id post here but I dont want to get banned.[/QUOTE]

If you're going to insult me, you might want to not make it so over-the-top it's not believable.

Anybody who knows the slightest things about me knows that I haven't even met my youngest yet...your attempts at libel are laughable.

Niflheim II 01-04-2008 11:15 PM

[QUOTE=Valhall;15788045]Notice how I said "Judaism", not "Jews", Christianity, not "Christians".

My hatred is not all-inclusive. I target the catalyst, not the puppet.[/QUOTE]

Hello retard, without the "puppets" the "catalysts" are powerless, the supporters and believers, extremist or not, of any religious doctrine are worse than the doctrine itself. The everyday people that give up their own freewill in favour of Judaism/Christianity are the problem, the doctrine isn't changing and is a non-issue. In order to battle this big and bad hypocritic theology you hate, you are going to have to deal with the people who are giving and maintaining its power in the first place.

Silenius 01-04-2008 11:23 PM

Sheep is a far better term than puppets in this context anyway.

publicastration 01-04-2008 11:25 PM

[QUOTE=Niflheim II;15788288]Hello retard, without the "puppets" the "catalysts" are powerless, the supporters and believers, extremist or not, of any religious doctrine are worse than the doctrine itself. The everyday people that give up their own freewill in favour of Judaism/Christianity are the problem, the doctrine isn't changing and is a non-issue. In order to battle this big and bad hypocritic theology you hate, you are going to have to deal with the people who are giving and maintaining its power in the first place.[/QUOTE]

a massive lol @ your conspiracy theories.

Niflheim II 01-04-2008 11:25 PM

No conspiracy theories there im afraid.

Apocalypticon 01-04-2008 11:26 PM

he does have a point though. without followers there would be no leaders.


publicastration 01-04-2008 11:27 PM

[QUOTE=Apocalypticon;15788346]he does have a point though. without followers there would be no leaders.


Obviously that is true.

However he seems to be assuming that all the followers think the same way.

Apocalypticon 01-04-2008 11:32 PM

[QUOTE=Luc214;15788354]Obviously that is true.

However he seems to be assuming that all the followers think the same way.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I agree about that. I think its just a case of looking at the big picture, which sometimes means sorting through some bullsh[I]i[/I]t.

Valhall 01-04-2008 11:50 PM

[QUOTE=Niflheim II;15788288]Hello retard, without the "puppets" the "catalysts" are powerless, the supporters and believers, extremist or not, of any religious doctrine are worse than the doctrine itself. The everyday people that give up their own freewill in favour of Judaism/Christianity are the problem, the doctrine isn't changing and is a non-issue. In order to battle this big and bad hypocritic theology you hate, you are going to have to deal with the people who are giving and maintaining its power in the first place.[/QUOTE]

Without the doctrine itself, no one would be driven by its inconsistencies, hypocrisy, etc. Cut the head of the dragon and the body will tumble theory. Target the church and you will have far better luck than toying around with individuals one at a time.

Besides, not all individuals act specifically as the doctrine dictates; e.g., not every Christian is completely brainwashed and thinks everyone who isn't Christian is evil. There's no point in going after these individuals; the point should be to attack those who make it thier duty to shove thier ideology down everyone else's throats, and those who act rashly on behalf of thier "beliefs".

Niflheim II 01-04-2008 11:52 PM

I have a devised a simple 4 step program based on the caste system in order to bring an end to the Judeo-Christian problem.

Step one: Slaughter all the everyday working class plebian kikes/christians or "sheep", clearly these are the ones really in power due to the g sheer number of them who end up supporting and giving power to the next level of christian/kike scum. Now that the bottom level is taken care of we can move to the next.

Step two: Due to the actions in step one, the Jewish control of the media and their dominance on the merchant level which supports all Judeo-Christian activities will no longer be of any use because there is no one left supporting them and thus their power is lost. After the second level is taken care up we can move to the next once again.

Step three: Here it gets difficult, the militant supporters or the ones who have initially spread the doctrine could be at this level in the degeneration stage, but since the purpose of the 4 step program is to cleanse the world of the Hebraic disease and restore purity, we will place the warriors of Christ here. Once they have lost all means of brute force and the power to resist the onslaught of purity, there is nothing to maintain the doctrine or to inflict their beliefs on the people . When this level has fallen there will be no more resistance against our noble warriors of purity.

Step four: Slaughter the priests and Christ himself who are responsible for planting the initial seeds in the minds of the people that begun the initial degeneration. These are the ones that will be slaughtered with the greatest intensity and passion for they are the ones responsible. Once at this point our great warriors will be in power once again and we can restore the beliefs of our Aryan forefathers and finally return to above after our great triumph.

And there we have it, a simple 4 step program to remove these scum once and for all! Please note that all enemies of the great Northern light can and will be taken care of in the same manner.

EDIT: To BRA, the doctrine is there already, it is not going anywhere, it will always be there, you can't attack it without rendering it useless first by eliminating all who believe. Be realistic here, we can't go back and time, the damage has been done by it already.

Valhall 01-04-2008 11:53 PM

Reverse the order of actions and you've got some accuracy.

You have to crush the source, then clean up the mess. As long as the sheep have a source of motivation, they will fight. As long as there is a source, more sheep can always be recruited. You have to start with the church, the leaders, the documentation, etc.

Silenius 01-04-2008 11:55 PM

[QUOTE]Please note that all enemies of the great Northern light can and will be taken care of in the same manner.[/QUOTE]


Niflheim II 01-04-2008 11:57 PM

[QUOTE=Valhall;15788453]Reverse the order of actions and you've got some accuracy.

You have to crush the source, then clean up the mess. As long as the sheep have a source of motivation, they will fight. As long as there is a source, more sheep can always be recruited. You have to start with the church, the leaders, the d0cumentation, etc.[/QUOTE]

Killing priests won't stop people from believing, there will always be people on a lower level more than happy to take their place...

publicastration 01-04-2008 11:58 PM

[QUOTE=Valhall;15788453]Reverse the order of actions and you've got some accuracy.

You have to crush the source, then clean up the mess. As long as the sheep have a source of motivation, they will fight. As long as there is a source, more sheep can always be recruited. You have to start with the church, the leaders, the documentation, etc.[/QUOTE]

I don't think you get it.

It really has nothing to do with the church or leaders whatsoever.

The real believers would still group together and rebuild.

Nif is actually right, to eradicate the religion you would have to kill pretty much every single follower.

But this is ridiculous, for christs sake why don't you bitch about fundamentalists, they're the main problem.

People like Ted Haggard, Jerry Falwell, etc.

NemesisDivina 01-04-2008 11:59 PM

Why do you always spell it


it's THEIR for ****'s sake.

epic post, it gets a thumbs up :thumb:

Valhall 01-05-2008 12:02 AM

[QUOTE=Apocalypticon;15788473]But BRA you realize that the kind of "attacking" you're talking about doesn't accomplish anything. You aren't just gonna f[I]u[/I]ck up the pope and a couple priests and rabbis and then have all the evil religions come crashing down. If you truly believe that religion is evil and you wanna do something about it the way to do it is to talk to those who don't act specifically as the doctrine dictates and who are atleast somewhat open. Its very simple to manipulate people into believing what you believe and contrary to popular belief you can't just go kill awhole bunch of Christians or Jews just because you don't like 'em. The main point of this is you can't cut off the head of Christianity, its just not doable. So you need to go for the loose ends, and that means the followers.[/QUOTE]

Reasoning with people doesn't go very far, especially with these kinds of people. You have to use force, in one way or another..

Silenius 01-05-2008 12:06 AM

You guys talk about destroying religion but I bet none of you do anything in actuality to go against religion or convince people to stop following religions...

Apocalypticon 01-05-2008 12:09 AM

I really hope you realise that what you are talking about is really childish and ridiculous. [I]You[/I] aren't gonna use force to bring down religion. I'm sorry but its just not gonna happen. Talk about it all you want but you aren't gonna do anything and therefore aren't gonna accomplish anything. You're gonna be a whiney religion hater like every other stupid metal head nowadays for a really long time my friend. I don't see how to get this through to you.


publicastration 01-05-2008 12:09 AM

[QUOTE=Silenius;15788500]You guys talk about destroying religion but I bet none of you do anything in actuality to go against religion or convince people to stop following religions...[/QUOTE]

Actually I'm not talking about destroying religion whatsoever.

I'm a Christian myself. :rolleyes:

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