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Meatplow 03-30-2009 08:26 PM

[QUOTE=LostChild;17152337]K so I got bored and took the liberty of uploading Faust's first album, if anyone's interested in it.

[B]Why Don't You Eat Carrots?[/B]
[B]Meadow Meal[/B]
[B]Miss Fortune[/B]

Already brought this up once but I figure since it's the industrial/noise thread I might as well mention it, I've been making electronic songs and just starting to come up with things that are credible. Only a couple people I know have given feedback so it's hard to tell if they have appeal or if it's just a personal thing
I'd strongly hesitate to call it industrial, they're short instrumentals that take influence from the genre though, mostly poppy melodies and mechanical noises.

I have one in the garage though, I get confused how to use it.[/QUOTE]

I'll check these out, cheers.

[QUOTE=LostChild;17152155]Don't care if it's not considered tr00, I gots mad respect for Nine Inch Nails. It's some of the most diverse industrial-related output I've ever heard, in terms of successfully crossing over with pop and rock styles.[/QUOTE]

I never really got into NIN but I was giving the Downward Spiral a proper listen last night and I really enjoy it, my attention tends to waver after the first few songs though. Heresy is incredible, always sends chills through me. But seeing as there is a kind of pop influence over it i've seen industrial fans carry on about how bad they (he?) are (is?).

[QUOTE=Txus;17152203]Hell yes, but is Filth the only Swans album you have? If so, get PlayThe Great Annihilator and White Light From the Mouth of Infinity first.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it is, i'll look into it cheers

[QUOTE=metalstyles15;17152137]hey guys, good to see a industrial thread in here.
Question, has any of you listened something from the repertoire of Crossbreed or Turmion Kätilöt? If so, I would love to hear your opinon on them. Anyway what are your favourite industrial bands and/or albums?[/QUOTE]

would probably read something liek -

Throbbing Gristle - 20 Jazz Funk Greats
Cabaret Voltaire - Mix-Up
Chrome - Half Machine Lip Moves (reminds me a bit of the Stooges with tape loops)
Front 242 - Front By Front
Front Line Assembly - Tactical Neural Implant
Godflesh - Streetcleaner, Pure, Messiah
Foetus - Hole, Nail, Thaw, Flow
KMFDM - everything from Naive to Symbols
Laibach - Opus Dei (Martial Industrial, ha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbB1s7TZUQk)
Ministry - The Mind Is A Terrible Thing to Taste, The Land of Rape and Honey, Psalm 69, Filth Pig
Skinny Puppy - Too Dark Park, The Process
Swans - Filth



Aaron 03-30-2009 10:12 PM

I'm confused. My birthday isn't for a week. This thread is early.

publicastration 03-30-2009 10:16 PM

oh my god Foetus is brilliant. Hole is one of the most twisted albums I've ever heard.

imperialblackness 03-30-2009 10:17 PM

I"ve never listened to them, whats it like?

publicastration 03-30-2009 10:18 PM


hole is like doo-wop from satan's asshole christened with a touch of tom waits' blood

imperialblackness 03-30-2009 10:19 PM

I'm gonna check them out then

publicastration 03-30-2009 10:20 PM

I tried describing them lol

by the way meaty if you could send me that Navicon Torture Technologies that would be awesome, I can't find it anywhere

Shattered_Future 03-30-2009 10:21 PM

[QUOTE=metalstyles15;17152137]hey guys, good to see a industrial thread in here.
Question, has any of you listened something from the repertoire of Crossbreed or Turmion Kätilöt? If so, I would love to hear your opinon on them. Anyway what are your favourite industrial bands and/or albums?[/QUOTE]

The second gets old incredibly, incredibly quickly, but there's a couple of songs that do a good job of making you feel all tough and ****.

I realized that I love really, really poorly written EBM.

imperialblackness 03-30-2009 10:21 PM

hahaha thats awesome, that definitely makes me wanna listen to them

publicastration 03-30-2009 10:23 PM

it's absolutely ridiculous but I love it

thaw isn't as weird, really Godflesh influenced

actually now that I think about it Godflesh probably took influence from Foetus I think they came later

Jaundice 03-30-2009 10:32 PM

[QUOTE]But seeing as there is a kind of pop influence over it i've seen industrial fans carry on about how bad they (he?) are (is?).[/QUOTE]Yeah, it's taking a risk. But I can honestly say it's gotta be one of the most ingenious stylistic splices in modern music history.

I had apprehensions for a while but I finally got around to listening to [I]The Land of Rape and Honey[/I] earlier and I'm actually feeling it. It's simple and kind of silly but it has some grooves.

Been thinking about it for a while and I suppose I can't put it off much longer, I'm about to stock up on industrial records. That idea I had about listening to only post-punk/african chants/dub-step for a few months was misguided anyaway

Epidemechanical 03-30-2009 10:41 PM

[QUOTE=LostChild;17153138]Yeah, it's taking a risk. But I can honestly say it's gotta be one of the most ingenious stylistic splices in modern music history.

I had apprehensions for a while but I finally got around to listening to [I]The Land of Rape and Honey[/I] earlier and I'm actually feeling it. It's simple and kind of silly but it has some grooves.

Been thinking about it for a while and I suppose I can't put it off much longer, I'm about to stock up on industrial records. That idea I had about listening to only post-punk/african chants/dub-step for a few months was misguided anyaway[/QUOTE]

i find it incredibly difficult to hate NIN or trent reznor - and in my music community its either love or hate for him no in-between

most of the arguments i hear for why NIN sucks are based around the pop appeal and the sheer accessibility of reznor's music. which is really ironic because reznor probably should be one of the biggest influences of anybody who does music themselves (which most of the fringe EBM/industrial bands have to do)

he does it all alone - and i think creates some really good stuff. the newer albums since "With Teeth" were pretty lackluster but the early material is some of the best and most important music ever made for this genre, and reznor is easily the first step into understanding this world of sound imo (another first step by comparison would be skinny puppy, etc)

but anyways, threadstarter, you should check out these two bands i've been into for the past year or so. they are relatively unknown and not cared about, but for some reason i just always think of them for this genre



its EBM industrial done right, i love the vocalist. (same vocalist for both projects.) the first is typical cybergoth style EBM, second is a sort of strange anarchist/punk EBM vibe. really interesting break from the a-typical "blood and gore" theme.

Jaundice 03-30-2009 10:52 PM

Granted everything from PHM to Broken was classic. With Teeth had some very solid songs on it but they were surrounded by filler, so I'd easily call it the worst album.

The Slip, Ghosts and Year Zero were all brilliant in my book.

Epidemechanical 03-30-2009 10:57 PM

[QUOTE=LostChild;17153178]Granted everything from PHM to Broken was classic. With Teeth had some very solid songs on it but they were surrounded by filler, so I'd easily call it the worst album.

The Slip, Ghosts and Year Zero were all brilliant in my book.[/QUOTE]

you think the slip is brilliant? ugh, yuck. I've been seriously disappointed by every release since With Teeth. There were some songs on WT that were decent (EIETS for example) but for the most part the album as a whole is just not good.

I actually haven't met anybody that liked The Slip till you just now, haha. I just don't feel like its a NIN record. Feels more like reznor joined a band, and the best thing about NIN was the isolation that went along with the music. It just sounded like it was made by one guy in one studio and that sorta mystique makes the stuff a lot better. I mean The Fragile was basically recorded over the course of years by nobody but reznor in the basement studio of an old funeral home if memory serves

but now its getting a little too "big budget" for me and there is nothing wrong with that, but i think reznor's relaxation into the spotlight is showing a little bit. nothing is polished and nothing really has what made NIN great.

i will give him this, though - ghosts was the definitive release of his career. not only that, but it kept him current: he embraced the trend of free music downloading. Proves to us yet again that he always has what it takes to be on the cutting edge of great music and the philosophy of listening to it.

Aaron 03-30-2009 11:23 PM

How'd I guess that this thread would bring you out of the woodwork, Raayl? lol.

Tyler 03-30-2009 11:25 PM


Epidemechanical 03-30-2009 11:26 PM

[QUOTE=Aaron;17153224]How'd I guess that this thread would bring you out of the woodwork, Raayl? lol.[/QUOTE]

dude this is like

my joint right here

Aaron 03-30-2009 11:32 PM

As it is mine. Let's get stoned and watch cartoons all day.

Jaundice 03-30-2009 11:57 PM

I definitely agree on the Reznor joining a band feel to The Slip. It's more toned down straight forward rock, which is somewhat below par but most of the songs are solid. What I liked most about it was that there were songs on it that were like nothing he'd released previously (Echoplex, Four of Us Are Dying)

Ghosts is hardcore.

FatalEnergy 03-31-2009 12:21 AM


Jaundice 03-31-2009 12:34 AM

Kraftwerk 1 and Trans-Europe Express are some of the most important sh[size=2]i[/size]t that had ever happened in electronic yo.

The album Ralf and Florian did as Organisation was also pretty elite.

Willie 03-31-2009 01:56 AM

I saw a few posts talking about how redundant and uninteresting this genre is, but I think a lot of that has to do with what most metal fans are aware of. They're aware of Ministry, Nine Inch Nails and Godflesh. The first two are hardly even industrial anymore and Godflesh is highly redundant. A few people have heard KMFDM (probably due to "A Drug Against War"), but they're very inconsistent. There are good bands out there that manage to avoid redundancy. Acumen Nation, 16 Volt, old-Clay People, Cyanotic, Argyle Park, Skinny Puppy...

ilikemusicthx 03-31-2009 04:16 AM

cheezface , infidel castro, urgent care, kamakazi slut

Meatplow 03-31-2009 04:22 AM

[QUOTE=Luc214;17153094]oh my god Foetus is brilliant. Hole is one of the most twisted albums I've ever heard.[/QUOTE]

Make sure you listen to Nail as well, I always feel it something of a companion album to Hole in terms of era. Then, I suggest you work your way up from his early work to today because (with the personal exception of his latest album though that is arguable) in some ways he just keeps getting better and better. You'll see what I mean.

[QUOTE=Luc214;17153105]by the way meaty if you could send me that Navicon Torture Technologies that would be awesome, I can't find it anywhere[/QUOTE]

sure i'll upload it when I get some time next week, been so busy. if you could hook me up with some decent grind albums as well that'd be great



its EBM industrial done right, i love the vocalist. (same vocalist for both projects.) the first is typical cybergoth style EBM, second is a sort of strange anarchist/punk EBM vibe. really interesting break from the a-typical "blood and gore" theme.[/QUOTE]

Excellent, thanks. I'll be fully investigating EBM in the coming weeks.

Also, damn. Listened to this earlier, it's very good.


[QUOTE=WillieFisterbut;17153387]I saw a few posts talking about how redundant and uninteresting this genre is, but I think a lot of that has to do with what most metal fans are aware of. They're aware of Ministry, Nine Inch Nails and Godflesh. The first two are hardly even industrial anymore and Godflesh is highly redundant. A few people have heard KMFDM (probably due to "A Drug Against War"), but they're very inconsistent. There are good bands out there that manage to avoid redundancy. Acumen Nation, 16 Volt, old-Clay People, Cyanotic, Argyle Park, Skinny Puppy...[/QUOTE]

aye, I was hoping you would post in here at some point. :)

Meatplow 03-31-2009 04:34 AM

[QUOTE=Luc214;17153114]thaw isn't as weird, really Godflesh influenced

actually now that I think about it Godflesh probably took influence from Foetus I think they came later[/QUOTE]

Really? I can't sense much of a connection at all. Most of Thaw is jumbled up genres focused into some kind of noisy mutant pop music, the lyrics a parody of pure misanthropy which to me is hilarious and disturbing at the same time. Thirlwell had a huge influence over the industrial scene, esp. as a producer.

Also came across a free album earlier, BooT-SectoR-ViruZ - BOOTY no BAKA. Industrial/Breakcore. Not bad.


publicastration 03-31-2009 11:23 AM


sure i'll upload it when I get some time next week, been so busy. if you could hook me up with some decent grind albums as well that'd be great[/quote]

Just some all around good albums as an introduction to the genre? What grind do you like?

publicastration 03-31-2009 11:23 AM

[quote=Meatplow;17153515]Really? I can't sense much of a connection at all. Most of Thaw is jumbled up genres focused into some kind of noisy mutant pop music, the lyrics a parody of pure misanthropy which to me is hilarious and disturbing at the same time. Thirlwell had a huge influence over the industrial scene, esp. as a producer.[/quote]

idk it just reminded me of godflesh at first listen

RouteOne 03-31-2009 11:32 AM

Anyone dig Prurient?




HEIL. Such a good group.


Metalstyles 03-31-2009 01:05 PM

[QUOTE=WillieFisterbut;17153387]I saw a few posts talking about how redundant and uninteresting this genre is, but I think a lot of that has to do with what most metal fans are aware of. They're aware of Ministry, Nine Inch Nails and Godflesh. The first two are hardly even industrial anymore and Godflesh is highly redundant. A few people have heard KMFDM (probably due to "A Drug Against War"), but they're very inconsistent. There are good bands out there that manage to avoid redundancy. Acumen Nation, 16 Volt, old-Clay People, Cyanotic, Argyle Park, Skinny Puppy...[/QUOTE]

A big yes to Acumen Nation and Skinny Puppy. Cyanotic is decent, whats
"16 volt" like? I agree on that this genre is misunderstood by a lot of metal fans and because of that they are not willing to give any industrial a shot. Thats a loss since like you said, there is a sufficient amount of good industrial out there that needs to be noticed.

Txus 03-31-2009 03:30 PM

Prurient ftw


Meatplow 03-31-2009 04:38 PM

[QUOTE=Luc214;17153844]Just some all around good albums as an introduction to the genre? What grind do you like?[/QUOTE]

yep. you linked me to a youtube video once in the melodeath thread when I said lykathea aflame was a grind band, I forgot what it was but it sounded good :p probably a bigger oversight then comparing Foetus to Godflesh idk


also this reminds me a lot of Aaron's music

Meatplow 04-01-2009 02:03 AM


Listened to this before, ****ing great.

Ventriloquist 04-01-2009 03:25 AM

Which Godflesh album should I get first? And who do they sound like?

Meatplow 04-01-2009 04:30 AM

I've heard Streetcleaner described as doom metal with drum machines before, it sounds a valid description to me. Other albums I have heard follow a similar tempo, but they vary it up a bit and I would personally describe them as similar to Isis somehow. Try Streetcleaner and Pure, I say.

Txus 04-01-2009 08:01 AM

Get Us and Them and Streetcleaner first.

Meatplow 04-03-2009 12:45 AM

a few new albums i've gotten

Whitehouse -Erector
Brighter Death Now - Innerwar, Necrose Evangelicum
Combative Alignment - A Broken Union, Everlasting Sun
Con-dom - Scorched Earth Policy
Contagious Orgasm - Dessert Addicts Will Return To This
SKM-ETR - The Rugged Meat Cleaver
Steel Hook Prostheses - Atrocitizer
Triarii - Imperivm

Brighter Death Now is really good, Obsessis is a really tight listen

Ventriloquist 04-03-2009 01:48 AM

Aight I got Godflesh - Us and Them. On the second track now, so far so good.

Tyler 04-03-2009 02:18 AM

[QUOTE]Triarii - Imperivm[/QUOTE]
Is this the Industrial thread or the Neo-Military Pop thread?

Meatplow 04-03-2009 02:38 AM

well as far as I can tell without having listened to them they are classified as martial industrial, which brings to mind something similar to laibach. the genre seems to flirt with pop a fair bit, based off what I have heard at least. the camp totalitarian image of Laibach is hilarious, esp. in the modern day -


Excellent documentary on the group I hear, i've downloaded it but never watched. They have an interesting history nonetheless -


[QUOTE=Ventriloquist;17159953]Aight I got Godflesh - Us and Them. On the second track now, so far so good.[/QUOTE]

I'll have to check that one out. Can't stop listening to Messiah, i'm hooked.

Tyler 04-03-2009 02:40 AM

i was joking, some people actually classify them as 'neo military pop' with a straight face

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