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Charlie Manson 06-03-2007 08:46 AM

\m/ TXUS ROCK! \m/

CityOfEvil 06-03-2007 08:58 AM

[QUOTE=Monticello;14780624]They are metalcore last time I checked.
All That Remains are pretty cool from what I can tell.
And what's KsE's best album?[/QUOTE]

I only heard two albums. As Daylights Dies and The End of Heartache. I'd say the best is As Daylights Dies, but the other is very good too.

kalkal50 06-03-2007 09:35 AM

anyone heard of a band called "and the hero fails"?

they're decent, but it's impossible to find any of their stuff

probably not worth it tbh

maxiepaxie 06-03-2007 09:39 AM


Aficionado 06-03-2007 10:03 AM

It's ironic but every kid in my school is obsessed with metal core.

It seems like anybody who's anybody likes As I lay dying in my school. In our carnival there was like 5 metalcore bands playing. As for me, I don't like too much. But I enjoy a few bands.

Killswitch engage
God dethroned(not sure if they are metal core)
Beyond the sixth seal (not sure if they are)

Eliminator 06-03-2007 10:04 AM

what's ironic about that.

Aficionado 06-03-2007 10:11 AM

I'm not quite sure

Dimmu Burger 06-03-2007 10:38 AM

I like most of the bands mentioned here, but I also like Scars Of Tomorrow for some reason, even though they are kinda generic. Also The Acacia Strain, A Perfect Murder, The Agony Scene, The Bled, Cave-In, Dead To Fall, From Autumn To Ashes, If Hope Dies, and Misery Signals. Yeah I used to be a huge metalcore guy!

Eliminator 06-03-2007 10:56 AM

now youre black metal dude

Nepenthe 06-03-2007 11:37 AM

I saw Cannae mentioned, and they kick ungodly amounts of ***, but they are moreso melodic death metal.

Misery Signals' newest album is a masterpiece, but the previous one is a piece of ****. I could listen to The Failsafe and Sword Of Eyes like 20 times in a row.

Shred Danson 06-03-2007 12:06 PM

Overcast has slowly became one of my favorites. Metalcore these days has gotten stale, and now everyone tries to hide the fact they play metalcore by tuning their guitars down to Drop A and calling it death metal.

[QUOTE]God dethroned(not sure if they are metal core)[/QUOTE]


Eakflanderyof 06-03-2007 12:40 PM

I like a lot of what I've heard from All That Remains. Between the Buried and Me are excellent, but they're really just prog metal because they draw their influences from so many different genres (even some black metal in The Primer and some of their other vocal parts). Unearth are extremely overrated imo. All their breakdowns sound exactly the same. Some bands do good breakdowns, but not Unearth.

encmetalhead 06-03-2007 12:51 PM

Scars Of Tomorrow
-haven't heard much from them...
The Acacia Strain
-are they any good?
A Perfect Murder
-more thrashy but i can see the metalcore
The Agony Scene
-i need to dl their album...
The Bled
Dead To Fall
From Autumn To Ashes
-more on the post-hardcore side...
If Hope Dies
Misery Signals
- great band

Eliminator 06-03-2007 01:08 PM

Unearth invented the breakdown

TojesDolan 06-03-2007 01:10 PM

Anything with a central unit of process is laugh inducing.

LifeInABox 06-03-2007 01:10 PM


[quote]Yeah I used to be a huge metalcore guy[/quote]Why Can't you still be? I like Death, Black, Prog, Core, whatever. Metal is Metal.

Tyler 06-03-2007 01:41 PM

[QUOTE]Also, I got Kezia by Protest The Hero today, that such a great album[/QUOTE]
Not metalcore.

encmetalhead 06-03-2007 01:42 PM

i like any metal that sounds good and if aeveryone esle hates it too bad guess i'll the only true fan when the band makes it big and all the posers start liking them >.> muhahahahahahaha

Tyler 06-03-2007 01:43 PM

[QUOTE=encmetalhead;14782015]i like any metal that sounds good and if aeveryone esle hates it too bad guess i'll the only true fan when the band makes it big and all the posers start liking them >.> muhahahahahahaha[/QUOTE]

Do you seriously ever think before you post?

TojesDolan 06-03-2007 01:45 PM

Maybe he's touching his wiener before he posts.

Tyler 06-03-2007 01:50 PM

Seems like he's typing with it more than anything.

encmetalhead 06-03-2007 01:53 PM

I don't care what ya'll say so why say crap about me if i'm just going to skip over it?

Anyway, would you consider this band metalcore? [url]http://www.myspace.com/knivesexchanginghands[/url]

TojesDolan 06-03-2007 01:56 PM

If it has breakdowns it's metalcore.

Nepenthe 06-03-2007 02:01 PM

Why ya'll gotta hate?

CalicoJane 06-03-2007 02:02 PM

I don't really know what metalcore is. But bands I've heard described as metalcore that i like include Caliban pretty much one of the forefathers of the genre I've been told [they're like a German Killswitch Engage, but heavier and unlike KE they knock out some amazing songs]. From Autum to Ashes are a big favourite but as someone mentioned they're more 'post-hardcore' [I don't really know what that is either to be honest]. I never could stand Underoath but recently listened to Define the Great Line again and I am hooked, just superb music. Bring Me The Horizon are quite good, clearly influenced by death metal. Sound similar to The Black Dahlia Murder but more brutal at times. I like bits and pieces by 36 Crazy Fists and As I Lay Dying but haven't devoted an awful lot of time to listening to them. Between the Buried have some incredible songs. Poison the Well obviously, althought I'd argue their first album is more straight up hardcore than metalcore. Everything since has been much more melodic and experimental. I also like It Dies Today even if they're percieved as a cheap imitation band by many. I can't stand Botch. They come across as an influential band who every 'cool' kid has heard their favourite metalcore, hardcore bands quote them as an influence and have decided they like them. I think they are severely lacking in the inability to write a good song. If you want mathmetal check out Mudyavne [joking]. Althought at least Mudvayne can write the odd memorable song.

Tyler 06-03-2007 02:04 PM

[QUOTE]Caliban pretty much one of the forefathers of the genre I've been told[/QUOTE]

encmetalhead 06-03-2007 02:04 PM

ok...that helps...maybe...not really...i don't really knwo what breakdowns sound like

anyway, a month and 7 days till KEH drops their debut on tragic hero

Tyler 06-03-2007 02:07 PM

Dude seriously what the ****ing hell are you talking about?

Nepenthe 06-03-2007 02:10 PM

Quit hatin. Buncha player haters up in here.

encmetalhead 06-03-2007 02:11 PM

Line one clearly stated i did not knwo what breakdowns sounded like

line 2 clearly stated that the band i just posted (Knives Exchanging hands, or KEH for short) was releasinf their debut in a month and 7 days on Tragic Hero Records

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