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-   -   Protesters crash US soldiers funeral, telling the soldiers mother that he is going to (http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=446806)

RudeBoyStompin 02-25-2006 01:52 PM

This is the same group that picketed with signs saying "Thank God for 9/11" so this doesn't stun me in the slightest.

Berner 02-25-2006 02:10 PM

I wish I lived where his church was. I'd use my constitutional rights to protest his sermons and show him how it feels.

Syncratic 02-25-2006 02:48 PM

I've just read up on Fred Phelps.

My God, how can anyone so disgusting and abhorring be allowed to exist?

Steerpike 02-25-2006 05:28 PM

[QUOTE=Berner]I wish I lived where his church was. I'd use my constitutional rights to protest his sermons and show him how it feels.[/QUOTE]

While a fun idea, it would be ineffectual. Trying to use logic on those people is like trying to find the square root of purple.

Syncratic 02-25-2006 06:58 PM

You have to remember, what they believe is logic to them.

Steerpike 02-25-2006 07:11 PM

[QUOTE=Maynard James Keenan]You have to remember, what they believe is logic to them.[/QUOTE]

And to the rest of world, it is the scary un-logic of the antimatter universe of Quaad.

Yield 02-25-2006 07:18 PM

You have to admit that you feel sorry for them. Because what they think is right and what they think will make Jesus happy is in fact disappointing him.

Oh, and the cult struck again at another funeral. I learned that Kansas is trying to make funeral protestings like this punishible by law. There reasoning is that funerals should be a private family affair, not something that fagbashers come to protest at.

siva_chair 02-26-2006 10:57 AM

They protest funerals, my dad (and the group he belongs to) go and protest them at their protests.

Nothing pisses them off more than their idiocy being drowned out by a s[COLOR="White"]hi[/COLOR]t ton of Harley Davidsons.

Squirellmeister 02-26-2006 11:07 AM

Why is it their business anyway who goes to Hell? If I go to hell so what. I get eternal damnation not them.

Steerpike 02-26-2006 11:13 AM

[QUOTE=siva_chair]They protest funerals, my dad (and the group he belongs to) go and protest them at their protests.

Nothing pisses them off more than their idiocy being drowned out by a s[COLOR="White"]hi[/COLOR]t ton of Harley Davidsons.[/QUOTE]

Send him my best regards.

siva_chair 02-26-2006 11:18 AM

[QUOTE=Steerpike]Send him my best regards.[/QUOTE]

Will do.

If you ask me, Fred Phelps is going to die a violent death by the hands of some angry ex-Vietnam vet bikers.

There are lots of gang members in the Patriot Gaurd (the motorcycle group my dad belongs to that does this stuff) and some of them are f[COLOR="White"]uck[/COLOR]ing crazy. I wouldn't want to mess with any of the Sons of Silence, Hells Angels, Fresnos, or Banditos. I believe all of them have some members in the Patriot Gaurd.

Steerpike 02-26-2006 11:25 AM

It wouldn't surprise me if after one of these protests he mysteriously vanishes and his body is never found.

Amit 02-26-2006 11:27 AM

that would be some of the best news i would have ever heard :-D

Chrizzle fo' Shizzle 02-26-2006 11:32 AM

Motorcycle gangs have way cooler names than urban gangs

penelope weird hands 02-26-2006 11:34 AM

Two words juxtaposed to use for your imaginations satisfaction and content against those shjthead 'protesters'(hatemongerers).

"[I]Scythe[/I]" and "[I]Face[/I]"

Det_Nosnip 02-26-2006 11:52 AM

[QUOTE=siva_chair]They protest funerals, my dad (and the group he belongs to) go and protest them at their protests.

Nothing pisses them off more than their idiocy being drowned out by a s[COLOR="White"]hi[/COLOR]t ton of Harley Davidsons.[/QUOTE]

I <8 your dad! :D

Det_Nosnip 02-26-2006 11:53 AM

[QUOTE=BladePaladin]they're communist hippies (just kidding, my ex was a hippie) but honestly, they're stupid mother fu*kers, give me about 5 minutes in a room alone with all of them and they'll be singin a different tune when they come out.[/QUOTE]

[quote=your user title]
Christian Conservative.

You...do...realize that these were Christian Conservatives that were protesting, right? They couldn't be further from communist hippies. They were protesting the funeral of an American soldier because America "supports homosexuals."

griftadan 02-26-2006 11:54 AM

[QUOTE=Det_Nosnip]You...do...realize that these were Christian Conservatives that were protesting, right? They couldn't be further from communist hippies. They were protesting the funeral of an American soldier because America "supports homosexuals."[/QUOTE]

what, did you actually read the article or something? what a tool

Det_Nosnip 02-26-2006 01:27 PM

The 5 paragraph one? Guilty as charged. :(

*is used to build a sink*

RouteOne 02-26-2006 03:43 PM

[QUOTE=siva_chair]Will do.

If you ask me, Fred Phelps is going to die a violent death by the hands of some angry ex-Vietnam vet bikers.

There are lots of gang members in the Patriot Gaurd (the motorcycle group my dad belongs to that does this stuff) and some of them are f[COLOR="White"]uck[/COLOR]ing crazy. I wouldn't want to mess with any of the Sons of Silence, Hells Angels, Fresnos, or Banditos. I believe all of them have some members in the Patriot Gaurd.[/QUOTE]
Biker gangs are so kickas[SIZE="2"]s.[/SIZE]

There is a bunch of Hells angels up where I live. They sell drugs, but the cops don't really do anything about it because the hells angels pretty much beat/kill/run out any of the bloods or crips in the area for control over the drug trade. The cops think that this is a mixed blessing because not only does this mean that all the drug dealing is now done by one group, the angels stop smaller ones from sprining up.

siva_chair 02-26-2006 03:55 PM

[QUOTE=Chrizzle fo' Shizzle]Motorcycle gangs have way cooler names than urban gangs[/QUOTE]


I mean, come on. The Sons of Silence? That is so badass it isn't even funny.

[QUOTE=Route 1]Biker gangs are so kickas[SIZE="2"]s.[/SIZE]

There is a bunch of Hells angels up where I live. They sell drugs, but the cops don't really do anything about it because the hells angels pretty much beat/kill/run out any of the bloods or crips in the area for control over the drug trade. The cops think that this is a mixed blessing because not only does this mean that all the drug dealing is now done by one group, the angels stop smaller ones from sprining up.[/QUOTE]

Where do you live?

The Angels aren't big around here, but the Fresnos and the Banditos are. There is also a decent amount of Sons of Silence around here, too.

A couple months ago there was a big gang war type thing going on between the Fresnos and the Banditos near where I live. A Fresno pulled a knife on the Bandito in front of a Bike shop and the Bandito just pulled out a gun and shot him. He got off the murder charge on self defense and that really pissed the Fresnos off.

Cybergasm 02-26-2006 04:32 PM

Hey, thank god for the total freedom of speech and congegration you guys defend so arduously. You tell people they can pretty much do whatever they want, then when something like this happens you are shocked? People do not know boundaries, it is a fact that has been proven through years- and something I prove to myself everyday (not through the actions of others, but, my own actions; I find myself doing things I preach against, such as falling on 'free speech'. Why? Because I can, and its hard to not do it).

When given the illusion of total freedom (I understand that there are certain things which aren't covered by the amendments, so I won't say that America really does say 'anything goes'... I'm saying that is the way people interpret it), people will take it too far. As is the case here. If the laws were stricter on our freedoms, we would not be seeing stuff like this.

Its a disgrace.

siva_chair 02-26-2006 04:38 PM

[QUOTE=Cybergasm]Hey, thank god for the total freedom of speech and congegration you guys defend so arduously. You tell people they can pretty much do whatever they want, then when something like this happens you are shocked? People do not know boundaries, it is a fact that has been proven through years- and something I prove to myself everyday (not through the actions of others, but, my own actions; I find myself doing things I preach against, such as falling on 'free speech'. Why? Because I can, and its hard to not do it).

When given the illusion of total freedom (I understand that there are certain things which aren't covered by the amendments, so I won't say that America really does say 'anything goes'... I'm saying that is the way people interpret it), people will take it too far. As is the case here. If the laws were stricter on our freedoms, we would not be seeing stuff like this.

Its a disgrace.[/QUOTE]

No, they have every right to protest funerals, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. You see, them disrupting a funeral is infringing on the rights of others, though. They aren't making it a law that they cannot protest these funerals (as well they shouldn't). They are trying to put enact restrictions on when and where they can protest said funerals. I personally think it is sick that they do this, but freedom of speech means we have to let stupid people talk, too. We don't have to let them infringe on the rights of others, though.

I support their right to protest whatever they want, but I also support the rights of the family and loved ones that are mourning thier loss.

RouteOne 02-26-2006 04:49 PM


I mean, come on. The Sons of Silence? That is so badass it isn't even funny.

Where do you live?

The Angels aren't big around here, but the Fresnos and the Banditos are. There is also a decent amount of Sons of Silence around here, too.

A couple months ago there was a big gang war type thing going on between the Fresnos and the Banditos near where I live. A Fresno pulled a knife on the Bandito in front of a Bike shop and the Bandito just pulled out a gun and shot him. He got off the murder charge on self defense and that really pissed the Fresnos off.[/QUOTE]

I live in the Albany NY area.

EDIT: Cybergasm, as much as I am sickened by it, it is their right to protest......but, they are not garunteed their safety when they protest. Meaning that I hope a dump truck mows them down.

Steerpike 02-26-2006 04:58 PM

Freedom of speech means taking the good with the bad.

Phelps and his toadies are free to protest [i]peacefully[/i], but if they show up at the funeral of my relatives or the relative of a friend, I am perfectly willing to throw the first punch and end the peaceful part and I'll accept the consequences of that action.

Cybergasm 02-26-2006 05:02 PM

[QUOTE=siva_chair]No, they have every right to protest funerals, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. You see, them disrupting a funeral is infringing on the rights of others, though. They aren't making it a law that they cannot protest these funerals (as well they shouldn't). They are trying to put enact restrictions on when and where they can protest said funerals. I personally think it is sick that they do this, but freedom of speech means we have to let stupid people talk, too. We don't have to let them infringe on the rights of others, though.

I support their right to protest whatever they want, but I also support the rights of the family and loved ones that are mourning thier loss.[/QUOTE]
You aren't understanding my post at all. Your post, in fact, has concreted my assertion. I am saying that the world is compirsed of 95% stupid people, and 5% people who warrant free speech. We need to reconstruct the law system to stop suting the 5% exception. It needs to be clearer.

Yes, the law states that what they are doing is wrong, however, they didn't know that. Most people (including me) do not fully understand the laws of the US constitution- to many of those people the laws stop at freedom of speech, weapons, and assembly. They then do things, such as this, that are wrong and infringe on the rights of others, thinking it is justified. They may get punished afterwards, but the damage is done.

As time goes on this is a more and more excalating problem. Many more people do bad things because they think they can- then whine about it afterwards when they are being punished, and, combined with the multitudes of other people who see this as some perverse attack on their freedom, they whine their way out of punishment. I am saying that the law needs to be more clear cut. As you sated, give them the right to protest a funeral, but within a boundary. Instead of teaching kids "You have freedom of speech..." Teach them "Your goverment enforces your right to express your opinions as long as they are not detrimental to the rights of others, and as long as they are within a certain boundary that ensures others have the same rights. These are those boundaries; etc..."

The constitution was a great outline for when the country was a fraction of the size. Now you have hundreds of millions of people trying to express their opinions without regards to others.

I'm all for freedom as long as it is kept clean.

Illmatic 02-26-2006 05:04 PM

I think Fred Phelps is a pretty good justification for exercising your Second Amendment rights.

Det_Nosnip 02-26-2006 05:05 PM

Contrary to popular mythology, disagreement does not always mean failure to understand. What you propose is very, very dangerous.

Cybergasm 02-26-2006 05:08 PM

[QUOTE=Det_Nosnip]Contrary to popular mythology, disagreement does not always mean failure to understand. What you propose is very, very dangerous.[/QUOTE]
Pointed at me?

Steerpike 02-26-2006 05:11 PM

[QUOTE=Cybergasm]You aren't understanding my post at all. Your post, in fact, has concreted my assertion. I am saying that the world is compirsed of 95% stupid people, and 5% people who warrant free speech. We need to reconstruct the law system to stop suting the 5% exception. It needs to be clearer.[/quote]

I could not agree less. We should not let the stupid dictate the workings of our legal system.

[quote]Teach them "Your goverment enforces your right to express your opinions as long as they are not detrimental to the rights of others, and as long as they are within a certain boundary that ensures others have the same rights. These are those boundaries; etc..."[/quote]

They do teach that. But since when do stupid people ever want to learn?

[quote]I'm all for freedom as long as it is kept clean.[/QUOTE]

It's not freedom if you're too immature to understand that you need to take the good with the bad. Yes, there should be limitations imposed on these demonstrations, but what you are suggesting has incredibly dangerous potential.

[QUOTE=Illmatic]I think Fred Phelps is a pretty good justification for exercising your Second Amendment rights.[/QUOTE]

See, the system works.

"God hates fags and killed your son for tolerating them! And I can say that at his funeral because of the first ammendment!"
"Don't make me go second ammendment on your [size=2]a[/size]ss, white trash."

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