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-   -   People who commit suicide are dumbasses (http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=323229)

cbiggz5 04-02-2005 04:03 AM

[QUOTE=DougJI]Time for me to own you all.

I've had a nervous breakdown.

Went to shrink/angermanagement.

A year and a half later I walked in on my girlfriend cheating on me.

Friend commits suicide.

Meet my bestest friend in the world.

I start doing whatever drugs I can get a hold of.

Best friend starts telling me about how her parents abuse her, and more then once I over heard on the phone.

That school year there was a girl who decided to be totally weird and **** up my life. Stalk me and ****, still hasn't left me alone.

Best friends best friend after me commits suicide.

Friend commits suicide.

Best friend calls cops and gets her dad arrested, cries about it for months.

I stop doing all drugs except pot.

Girlfriend who cheated on me started stalking me to my baseball games.

My favourite cat of ALL TIME dies.

I stop smoking pot.

The shrink declares I have bipolar-disorder and a depression.

Friend commits suicide.

Best friend's dad is released from jail and becomes strict on her. Very Very strict. She becomes depressed, cuts her arm open, is taken to the hospital, narrowly survives.

Stalks me up to my cottage, rapes me in my sleep. (People never believe this to be possible, it is perfectly possible, if one doesn't have an erection, then there are ways to make the guy get one. Not to mention the large amount of alchohol I had consumed.)

I start smoking pot.

Turns out she got pregnant.

I start smoking pot vigourously.

The same week I get that news, my grandpa dies, and the new kitten we got runs away. My dog also dies, but it turns out to be a coma.

I stop smoking pot.

Best friend tells me how much she loves me, but is being a stupid person and hanging out with people who put her in danger. I love her back.

I could include home-life if I wanted to, but I don't want to crash the forums with an overload of bullsh't.

I can't commit suicide. If my best friend ever died, I would be hardpressed not to.

Your life doesn't suck that bad. Life never sucks that bad. Don't act like it does, because despite all that stuff, I still manage to act like a normal person, do don't pretend you can't either.[/QUOTE]

all I can say is WOW

veggie 3.14 04-02-2005 04:08 AM

[QUOTE=cbiggz5]I have the same thing, but i'm taking medicine for it. It's weird, you feel okay one moment and then for no reason you feel like complete s.hit.[/QUOTE]

I get that!

It's crazy.

Oh, kinda random, but my Grandpa had Bi-polar disorder. I never knew, until after he had died, that he had it. Kinda good at hiding it, I guess.

humph42 04-02-2005 04:32 AM

I'm just so grateful to mentally healthy. I've had little boughts of depression where I feel like nothing ever is going to look up for me, but these are very rare. I'm so grateful to be happy, and for all my problems to be trivial.

bad_musician 04-02-2005 04:40 AM

You people need to have a coke and a smile and shut the **** up.

the sickness 04-02-2005 04:54 AM

I dont know why people who commit suicide are labled as selfish. It takes alot of nerve to do that when you think about it. having not hurt myself for at least 6 months now helps you realise how hard it all really was. Or well thats what i see out of it

Tempestua 04-02-2005 05:28 AM

Suicide isn't courageous. Carrying on with life, no matter how many terrible things might be happening to you, is true courage.

deadfoot123 04-02-2005 05:34 AM

i've been trying to stop sayin this. its been goin good. cause after readin some posts on a site, i have seen things alot better. so............ im done

mikethecoug 04-02-2005 06:06 AM

Alot of people say they are suicidal (when they are not at all) to get attention, they say they are going to do it yet again you see them again and again at school the next day..

humph42 04-02-2005 07:06 AM

[QUOTE=mikethecoug]Alot of people say they are suicidal (when they are not at all) to get attention, they say they are going to do it yet again you see them again and again at school the next day..[/QUOTE]

Well surely if they're saying they want to take their own life just to get attention, they deserve attention. Something must be wrong.

mikethecoug 04-02-2005 07:08 AM

Lol guess so.. depends who it is, some prick who rally wants the attention, or a real person who is having problems

PoWaToM 04-02-2005 07:22 AM

I don't see what all the fuss is about. If I knew I was going to die anyway, say from a disease or whatever, I'd rather kill myself than let some ****ty virus or something finish me off. As for depressed people, they can **** right off imo - no matter how bad somebody's life is, especially in the western world, it is virtually guaranteed that there are at least a thousand people worse off, usually many times that. How insulting that somebody with everything to live for decides to throw it away, when there are people who dont even have a chance at life, let alone the oppurtunity to end it.

KKKKKocaine 04-02-2005 07:28 AM

[QUOTE=i like arab girls]I think it's funny how you see all these teens now who bitch that "Oh, I have no one, I want to die." or ask "What would happen if I died?" and all the other ****. People who say that **** should be slapped. Or just put them in a room with a gun or knife or on a high building where they can kill thereselves and watch them change their mind. Then they'll realize how precious life is.[/QUOTE]

That's teen angst retard. People like that don't commit suicide.
I think it's funny how everyone who says "omigod suicide is gayz" doesn't understand the first few causes of depression, it's effects or possess any inteligence or redeeming features at all.

Alot of depression is caused by a lack of serotonin, the brain fails to release enough which causes low mood.
Try having that for 5 years, constant mood swings from being perfectly fine, to anything as small as "hi" instead of "hey" throwing you into depression.
Then try having to cut yourself every couple of days to varying degrees just to cope, then try being put in hospital for slitting your wrists, then a couple of weeks later for overdosing, then a month later for overdosing again, then finally being put in again for observation for your own safety.
People don't try to kill themselves for no reason, if you take a kitchen knife and hold it against your wrists, consider having to push down just enough to cut it open, consider the speed, do you watch or do you look away? Will it hurt? What will happen? How fast e.t.c. try running all those thoughts through your head, the people who commit suicide, or attempt it, plan it for months, it's not a simply decision to make.

Oh and before anyone goes "rofl u self harm omigod y wud u wana cut urself?? lolz dumazz"
That's funny, because most people who say that go out drinking for pleasure, Good going damaging your liver for fun then critising people who hurt themselves because they need to.

KKKKKocaine 04-02-2005 07:30 AM

[QUOTE=PoWaToM]I don't see what all the fuss is about. If I knew I was going to die anyway, say from a disease or whatever, I'd rather kill myself than let some ****ty virus or something finish me off. As for depressed people, they can **** right off imo - no matter how bad somebody's life is, especially in the western world, it is virtually guaranteed that there are at least a thousand people worse off, usually many times that. How insulting that somebody with everything to live for decides to throw it away, when there are people who dont even have a chance at life, let alone the oppurtunity to end it.[/QUOTE]

For ****s sake, I am not in a good mood at all today, and all you dumb**** retards are just pissing me off.

Here's the ****ing situation, YOUR DAD ****ING RAPES YOU.

Don't cry, don't moan. DON'T DO **** BECAUSE SOMEONE GOT KILLED IN WW2.
For ****s sake, what is wrong with you? Do you honestly think that because someone is starving to death in another country that makes anything bad completely meaningless.
God what is wrong with people.

evilmenhavenosongs 04-02-2005 07:34 AM

[QUOTE=PoWaToM]I don't see what all the fuss is about. If I knew I was going to die anyway, say from a disease or whatever, I'd rather kill myself than let some ****ty virus or something finish me off. As for depressed people, they can **** right off imo - no matter how bad somebody's life is, especially in the western world, it is virtually guaranteed that there are at least a thousand people worse off, usually many times that. How insulting that somebody with everything to live for decides to throw it away, when there are people who dont even have a chance at life, let alone the oppurtunity to end it.[/QUOTE]

I've said it before and I'll say it again. In my eyes it is an utterly foolish argument to bring up that there are always people worse off than you so stop being a little bitch about your problems. If you go through depression or similar than it is the worst time in your life and you can't imagine worse because you've never felt worse. There are people worse off than you for certain but that does not change the fact that you are feeling the worst pain possible in your life. Would you tell someone whose mother died of cancer that they're being a little bitch because there are peopke out there whose parents have died of cancer and have been raped and beaten for years by foster parents? No because they are still going throuigh tremendous amounts of pain and trauma, the same as a depressed person.

MadBassYo 04-02-2005 07:50 AM

they are dumbasses, less of them the better :thumb:

no but really it's pretty stupid,

KKKKKocaine 04-02-2005 07:55 AM

[QUOTE=MadBassYo]they are dumbasses, less of them the better :thumb:

no but really it's pretty stupid,[/QUOTE]

Prove it? Go for it, Tell me why someone with severe depression is dumbass.

humph42 04-02-2005 08:11 AM

[QUOTE=mikethecoug]Lol guess so.. depends who it is, some prick who rally wants the attention, or a real person who is having problems[/QUOTE]

Well that just shows how little understanding of the situation you have.

People who think that suicidal people are 'stupid' and 'selfish' need to grow up. No offence, but you just can't begin to understand the level of depression people go through when they are at a low.

PoWaToM 04-02-2005 08:20 AM

[QUOTE=evilmenhavenosongs]I've said it before and I'll say it again. In my eyes it is an utterly foolish argument to bring up that there are always people worse off than you so stop being a little bitch about your problems. If you go through depression or similar than it is the worst time in your life and you can't imagine worse because you've never felt worse. There are people worse off than you for certain but that does not change the fact that you are feeling the worst pain possible in your life. Would you tell someone whose mother died of cancer that they're being a little bitch because there are peopke out there whose parents have died of cancer and have been raped and beaten for years by foster parents? No because they are still going throuigh tremendous amounts of pain and trauma, the same as a depressed person.[/QUOTE]

you're preaching to the converted, dude. I've had a completely ****ty past few years, everyone I know keeps dying and I've had horrible health. It has been the worst few years of my life, and for a time I felt like just getting it over with. But you know what, I didn't, because every time I felt myself getting closer to the brink, I just told myself to grow up. In a few years time, none of the **** I've been through will matter anyway, I'll get over it, but there ARE people whose lives will NEVER get better. It seems absurd to me that people can go so far as to take their own lives without sparing a thought for the people who don't even have that luxury. The only way I will ever accept suicide, from anyone, is if they knew they were going to die anyway, and didn't want to spend the rest of their days in a hospital.

KKKKKocaine 04-02-2005 08:26 AM

[QUOTE=PoWaToM]you're preaching to the converted, dude. I've had a completely ****ty past few years, everyone I know keeps dying and I've had horrible health. It has been the worst few years of my life, and for a time I felt like just getting it over with. But you know what, I didn't, because every time I felt myself getting closer to the brink, I just told myself to grow up. In a few years time, none of the **** I've been through will matter anyway, I'll get over it, but there ARE people whose lives will NEVER get better. It seems absurd to me that people can go so far as to take their own lives without sparing a thought for the people who don't even have that luxury. The only way I will ever accept suicide, from anyone, is if they knew they were going to die anyway, and didn't want to spend the rest of their days in a hospital.[/QUOTE]

Funnily enough, you can't 'grow up' from BPD. :rolleyes: Way to go understanding a situation, Why don't you just tell someone to grow up from having cancer?

PerpetualBurn 04-02-2005 08:27 AM

Of course suicide is selfish. Nobody commits suicide for someone else, do they?

They don't kill themself in order to help someone else (or at least it can't happen very often).

The point is, that they only do it because they feel that there is no one there to care about them. The depression has drawn them to the point at which they can no longer bear the pain. That is an incredible feeling, I'm sure.

They simply do not believe that they can be of high enough consequence to someone elses life to be worthy of living. So yes, it is a selfish act, but these are people who do not believe that anyone will (despite the reality) actually miss them enough to want to stay alive.

Selfish or not, genuinely suicidal people deserve our sympathy alongside any support that we can offer.

PoWaToM 04-02-2005 08:29 AM

[QUOTE=KKKKKocaine]Funnily enough, you can't 'grow up' from BPD. :rolleyes: Way to go understanding a situation, Why don't you just tell someone to grow up from having cancer?[/QUOTE]

does it occur to you that not all suicides are down to chemical imbalance? does it even cross your mind for one minute, that people are capable of deciding what they do and when they do it, regardless of how much of a certain chemical is in their blood?

humph42 04-02-2005 08:30 AM

[QUOTE=PoWaToM]you're preaching to the converted, dude. I've had a completely ****ty past few years, everyone I know keeps dying and I've had horrible health. It has been the worst few years of my life, and for a time I felt like just getting it over with. But you know what, I didn't, because every time I felt myself getting closer to the brink, I just told myself to grow up. In a few years time, none of the **** I've been through will matter anyway, I'll get over it, but there ARE people whose lives will NEVER get better. It seems absurd to me that people can go so far as to take their own lives without sparing a thought for the people who don't even have that luxury. The only way I will ever accept suicide, from anyone, is if they knew they were going to die anyway, and didn't want to spend the rest of their days in a hospital.[/QUOTE]

There is a difference to having a sh[SIZE=2]i[/SIZE]t few years, and being clinically depressed. I don't suffer from depression, but I've bought myself to a state where I thought life couldn't get any better. I tried to think of the good things, but they almost mocked me. It felt like I was a big joke, being laughed at by everyone.

I now know that I had extremly low serotonin levels now due to something I did at the weekend. Something I now regret, but it gave me an insite.

PoWaToM 04-02-2005 08:36 AM

[QUOTE=humph42]There is a difference to having a sh[SIZE=2]i[/SIZE]t few years, and being clinically depressed. I don't suffer from depression, but I've bought myself to a state where I thought life couldn't get any better. I tried to think of the good things, but they almost mocked me. It felt like I was a big joke, being laughed at by everyone.

I now know that I had extremly low serotonin levels now due to something I did at the weekend. Something I now regret, but it gave me an insite.[/QUOTE]

it doesn't matter whether you're clinically depressed or not. I wasn't, yet I came very close to the edge on more than one occasion. Now I don't pretend to be an expert on clinical depression, but I'm fairly certain someone who has it is quite capable of independant thought.

On a side note, if you brought somebody up in a bare room, with nothing but a knife, and fed them bread every day, would they ever consider suicide, regardless of whether you could magically give them clinical depression? I believe not - if people don't realise suicide is an option, they won't do it, right? Sheep, the lot of em.

humph42 04-02-2005 08:41 AM

[QUOTE=PoWaToM]it doesn't matter whether you're clinically depressed or not. I wasn't, yet I came very close to the edge on more than one occasion. Now I don't pretend to be an expert on clinical depression, but I'm fairly certain someone who has it is quite capable of independant thought.

On a side note, if you brought somebody up in a bare room, with nothing but a knife, and fed them bread every day, would they ever consider suicide, regardless of whether you could magically give them clinical depression? I believe not - if people don't realise suicide is an option, they won't do it, right? Sheep, the lot of em.[/QUOTE]

Yes, you end your life, you bring an end to everything you have ever known because your a 'sheep' :rolleyes:. You have a lack of understanding of human psychology. People don't become depressed to follow a fad. Everyone has their lows, but some sink lower than others.

KKKKKocaine 04-02-2005 08:55 AM

[QUOTE=PoWaToM]does it occur to you that not all suicides are down to chemical imbalance? does it even cross your mind for one minute, that people are capable of deciding what they do and when they do it, regardless of how much of a certain chemical is in their blood?[/QUOTE]

Would you tell a raped child, who has flashbacks of the event every day, who blames herself for being raped and beaten to 'grow up'?

Your logic is completely laughable, you are practicly saying that a driver who has taken 20 pints can drive just as well as he could as if he had one. His judgement is heavily impaired.

On a side note, if you brought somebody up in a bare room, with nothing but a knife, and fed them bread every day, would they ever consider suicide, regardless of whether you could magically give them clinical depression? I believe not - if people don't realise suicide is an option, they won't do it, right? Sheep, the lot of em.[/QUOTE]

They'd experiment with the knife, they'd find out that it can cause pain and do damage, if they were then given clinical depression (and lets include the fact that someone in a bare room cut off from society WILL develop major psychological issues) they would still have the power of thought, they could still put two and two together, 'I am in a bare room, I will be in this room tommorrow, I feel empty I feel numb, I don't want to do this anymore, What about that sharp thing' e.t.c., they would eventually kill themselves, yes.
Otherwise your logic dictates that suicide doesn't exist because someone had to realise that a knife could be used for suicide in the first place.

Noku 04-02-2005 09:06 AM

I have low serotine levels too... It is good that the summer is coming and increased amount of sun light is going to increase the amount of serotine, so I am safe from mental problems the next six months. PD is kind of funny disorder since you are always aware of when you are going to have panic, you get this strong feeling that if I do that I'll panic, and I've always paniced when I had that feeling... Now I have similiar feeling about the next winter, I don't believe I'll survive. Why is that? Well, I never have decided to kill myself but I became suicidal and I believed that I had this alternative personality which was free to plan my suicide and carry it out. I really thought that I could do nothing about it. Lucky me, it just disappeared before it was too late. My point is that you aren't always aware of being sucidal, it is the sub-consciousness that tries to kill you if you have low serotine levels and there is really nothing you can do about it. Your mind will develope a way to lie to yourself that you have no other alternatives than commiting suicide, it isn't a conscious choice, it just happens if it happens and there is nothing you can do about it.

Of course you can try to affect your mentality while you are in control but that is all you can do, when sub-consciousness takes over you are powerless to resist. I am really aware of my problems and how they should be solved but people isn't that co-operative you know and I won't tell them that I've been suicidal past few months to force them to help me out.

Actually I have a question for all the MXers who have attempted a suicide. Was you in control while you did it or did you have this feeling that something has taken over your body and you are not in control?

Vitriolic Rage 04-02-2005 02:22 PM

A few weeks ago, some weird emo randomly added me on MSN, and started bitching to me about how his/her life is crap and they are going to kill themselves.
I basically told them, I don't know you, therefore I don't care, and blocked them.

deadfoot123 04-02-2005 05:06 PM

[QUOTE]Well surely if they're saying they want to take their own life just to get attention, they deserve attention. Something must be wrong.[/QUOTE]
Well, you are right. I just gave up cause it was lying and i already said i realized it wasnt right. my english teacher told us "Suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary problem" makes sence.

Shreddererer 04-02-2005 05:21 PM

[QUOTE]I think it's funny how you see all these teens now who bitch that "Oh, I have no one, I want to die." or ask "What would happen if I died?" and all the other ****. People who say that **** should be slapped. Or just put them in a room with a gun or knife or on a high building where they can kill thereselves and watch them change their mind. Then they'll realize how precious life is.[/QUOTE]
Well, first of all, the thread name isn't too appropriate. Your talking about kids who [I]talk about suicide[/I] not people who actually [I]commit suicide[/I]. And I do agree that those gothic kiddos and emos n stuff kinda over-do it with the drama. :rolleyes:
I don't think suicide is ever something that should be accepted...by the one commiting it. Althought there are some VERY good reasons, I just don't think anyone should end their own lives. There always hope...But people certainly do [I]not[/I] have to be stupid to commit suicide.

PepsiMetal 04-02-2005 05:27 PM

[QUOTE=i like arab girls]I think it's funny how you see all these teens now who bitch that "Oh, I have no one, I want to die." or ask "What would happen if I died?" and all the other ****. People who say that **** should be slapped. Or just put them in a room with a gun or knife or on a high building where they can kill thereselves and watch them change their mind. Then they'll realize how precious life is.[/QUOTE]

Ok, people dont just kill themselves to look tough and because they are teens.

One reason they kill themselves could be the events that are happening in their life. Hell, divorce, death in a family, daughter pregnant by a drug dealer, etc. Also people kill theirselves because of overdose of drugs. There are about 3245 billion other valid and logical reasons to why a person might commit a suicide. And these reasons aren't exectly because they're teen, they have no friends, etc.

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