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Rats 06-22-2005 06:58 PM

good sh[b][i][/b][/i]it Merkaba. now i finally understand what whistle notes are. i was driving last nite and trying to emulate your sound and figured out how to do em.. they're pretty fun to do!

Peg Dizzler 06-23-2005 04:37 PM

Wait wait wait, I wanna learn whistle notes!

Tim_guitar_playa69 06-29-2005 05:04 AM

[I][B]hey im 13 and my voice is probably still breaking when i talk i get the occasional squeak but i really want to scream sing high my friends think i have just about got singing deep but i want to learn how to scream high for bands like the used story of the year ect can some 1 good at scream singing add my msn its [email]Timmy_shag@hotmail.com[/email]
Thanks :wave: [/B] [/I]

Merkaba 06-29-2005 01:06 PM

^ read this thread and practice. And dont be lazy thinking that anyone is actually gonna IM you to repeat the same things we've already said here.

Tim_guitar_playa69 06-29-2005 05:51 PM

[QUOTE=Merkaba-1]^ read this thread and practice. And dont be lazy thinking that anyone is actually gonna IM you to repeat the same things we've already said here.[/QUOTE]
Yeh i have read it and stuff and i sometimes do warming up exercises b4 i sing its just that my mates reckon i could get it cause i can sort of scream take take take take take take it away (take it away-the used) but thats low screaming but i just dont know how 2 get my voice to be louder screaming
but other then that ur infomation is really good merkabas just out of curioisty how long have u been scream singing for
TiM :wave:

AA-12 06-30-2005 07:14 AM

I need help on getting the sound of Alexi Laiho's type of vocals. The higher pitched raspy like vocals. I'm not exactly sure on what you'd call them.

Po0sH 06-30-2005 07:19 AM

[QUOTE=TSASI V.2]I need help on getting the sound of Alexi Laiho's type of vocals. The higher pitched raspy like vocals. I'm not exactly sure on what you'd call them.[/QUOTE]
post a clip of him singing some part that you want.

AA-12 06-30-2005 07:29 AM

Basically, I want the style that he uses in this song: [url]http://www.musicianalliance.net/Songs/Trashed,%20Lost%20&%20Strung%20Out/01%20Trashed,%20Lost%20&%20Strung%20Out.m4a[/url]

Po0sH 06-30-2005 07:47 AM

[QUOTE=TSASI V.2]Basically, I want the style that he uses in this song: [url]http://www.musicianalliance.net/Songs/Trashed,%20Lost%20&%20Strung%20Out/01%20Trashed,%20Lost%20&%20Strung%20Out.m4a[/url][/QUOTE]

Basically sounds like the technique used in a lot of vocalists, and then basically altered to sound differently. I too wanted to sound like that so I checked out merkaba's soundclick where he has something that helps you get this sound out of your voice. I donno how to explain creating it, but once you figure out how, you have to push with your gut to increase the gain of it, and that is basically what it sounds like that he is doing.

AA-12 06-30-2005 07:53 AM

Got a link?

Po0sH 06-30-2005 05:10 PM


brainproof 07-01-2005 12:23 AM

okay, i haven;t been screaming very long. probally onlya couple of weeks. but everytime i scream, the only way i can get any rasp is to use a lot of push, and its really loud. how do i use less push but still get good rasp? do i just keep practicing and eventually i will figure it out or is there a trick? and is it normal for my scream to sound really girly and high when just beginning?

Merkaba 07-01-2005 01:23 AM

[QUOTE=brainproof]okay, i haven;t been screaming very long. probally onlya couple of weeks. but everytime i scream, the only way i can get any rasp is to use a lot of push, and its really loud. how do i use less push but still get good rasp? do i just keep practicing and eventually i will figure it out or is there a trick? and is it normal for my scream to sound really girly and high when just beginning?[/QUOTE]
The key is learning to sing without moving your throat up and down with the notes. You leave more room for the cords to be flexible with the added pressures instead of just a "breather valve". Practice true voice singing, and forceful singing that works your true voice. I dont really know what you mean by alot of push...It will take diaphragm pressure...almost like a sustained grunt type of pressure in the gut region...it takes considerable push to get a good rasp and tone, but not like ninety or a hundred percent like I think most people like to think they need.

Merkaba 07-01-2005 01:31 AM

[QUOTE=Tim_guitar_playa69]Yeh i have read it and stuff and i sometimes do warming up exercises b4 i sing its just that my mates reckon i could get it cause i can sort of scream take take take take take take it away (take it away-the used) but thats low screaming but i just dont know how 2 get my voice to be louder screaming
but other then that ur infomation is really good merkabas just out of curioisty how long have u been scream singing for
TiM :wave:[/QUOTE]
It will take time. If you have a car use it as your practice studio. Thats What i have done over the years. There is no judgement and you can miss notes all day as you grow into them. Lets face it though....if youre trying to get some new stuff down it will take lots of time and patience, but dont rush it, you only get one pair of cords.

I dont really do much scream singing...I just know how its done...because its all really the same it just depends on your strength and flexibility as far as dynamics and effects go. You shouldnt be hoarse or in any pain after a session...otherwise...I say...if you into hard vocals...go after it. If you warm up adequately the cords can take a pretty good killing. You will need that to get them to respond with growth later. Just remember that technique is the key...and you should warm up and warm down..warming down is very important.

AA-12 07-01-2005 02:33 AM

Your falsetto lesson 1 helped me a lot man. It was pretty close to the sound I want.

AcidQueen 07-01-2005 10:44 PM

No matter what I do, I can't get the right technique down. My larynx moves a lot when I change pitch, meaning I am using my throat to change pitch instead of my vocal cords (which you probably know.) I've read all of your posts but I still don't know how to do it right. I plan on taking vocal lessons SOMETIME, but for now is there anything I can try?

Dr. Jake Destructo 07-01-2005 11:04 PM

Merkaba- This is not voice related or anything, but I've not seen you in the Tool thread lately, so I figured I could track you down here- Have you been working on Stinkfist lately? I know you said you had it finished, but you never uploaded it. :-/

Again, sorry for the thread hi-jacking, but I needed to ask you. :)

lloydapalooza 07-02-2005 02:02 AM

[QUOTE=Dr. Jake Destructo]Merkaba- This is not voice related or anything, but I've not seen you in the Tool thread lately, so I figured I could track you down here- Have you been working on Stinkfist lately? I know you said you had it finished, but you never uploaded it. :-/

Again, sorry for the thread hi-jacking, but I needed to ask you. :)[/QUOTE]

he has it uploaded

Shadow18 07-02-2005 04:02 PM

I have a question , When I sing , there is somthing in the back of my throat that sounds like it is vibrating and it gives my singing voice a little crackleing sound. WTF is that? ? and how can i rid of it?

Merkaba 07-02-2005 05:36 PM

[QUOTE=Dr. Jake Destructo]Merkaba- This is not voice related or anything, but I've not seen you in the Tool thread lately, so I figured I could track you down here- Have you been working on Stinkfist lately? I know you said you had it finished, but you never uploaded it. :-/

Again, sorry for the thread hi-jacking, but I needed to ask you. :)[/QUOTE]
Yea i uploaded it...But I'm gonna rerecord it I think. I havent been over there in the tool thread in a few days.

Merkaba 07-02-2005 05:54 PM

[QUOTE=TSASI V.2]Your falsetto lesson 1 helped me a lot man. It was pretty close to the sound I want.[/QUOTE]

Merkaba 07-02-2005 06:01 PM

[QUOTE=Shadow18]I have a question , When I sing , there is somthing in the back of my throat that sounds like it is vibrating and it gives my singing voice a little crackleing sound. WTF is that? ? and how can i rid of it?[/QUOTE]
I have no clue as to what you've got going on in there. The only thing i could think of is that youre kinda rasping the sound by accident in the back of the throat area, maybe from squeezing the throat down a bit. You should practice making a single note at normal force, and then rising up in pitch and down to see if it still does it.Does this happen on all notes lower through higher , or just higher notes? Is it uncomfortable, or start to sting or irritate quickly? If so...how long does it normally take for it to get to that point? I cant really help ya much over the internet. You might want to see a doctor if its irritating. Maybe post a sample.

Shadow18 07-02-2005 10:00 PM

its when i start to get higher , it doesnt itch or irritate , it just sounds wierd to me.
I may post a recording or somthng.. im not that good at all , and im not used to my voice yet. If i do tho , it will be a recording of a part of a song i know

Shadow18 07-02-2005 10:09 PM

btw if it helps at all :P im only 14 , so it may be the cause of it...

and another question... how the **** does Davey Havok(AFI) go that high!!??
If you dont know what im talking bout , download these 2 songs.
AFI - Girls not grey
AFI - This Time Imperfect

On girls not grey , its the outro part. he sings " What follows" and just makes it really really high.

And on the other one , its the whole **** song.. goes from low to REALLY ****ING HIGH

Rats 07-03-2005 09:17 AM

it's not that high

FinalAwakening 07-03-2005 11:13 AM

Help with screaming like Tim Lambesis
Hey, I'm looking to be able to scream like Tim Lambesis the vocalist from the band As I Lay Dying. I have a pretty good natural singing voice despite reaching certain notes, but for the most part I can sing just about anything. But what I really need help with is screaming. I have a band called Final Awakening and I am the vocalist and lead guitarist so I have a pretty big role to play within the band itself. Now I can naturally scream somewhat, but I know for a fact that I must be doin it incorrectly because after recording vocals for 2 days straight I could barely talk without my throat hurting. Now with my throat finally not hurting anymore I am looking for help on screaming properly. I've read up on a lot of the follwing threads on how to scream properly but some of it just doesn't come to me or make sense, so I need more information and help. I have posted a link to a website where clips of my bands music is located. I would really appreciate any help anyone can possibly offer.


If you're clicking on this link to listen to the sound clips go to the audio cd and listen to Latticework, that is the best example of the way I am currently screaming, thank you.

Merkaba 07-03-2005 12:24 PM

[QUOTE=Shadow18]btw if it helps at all :P im only 14 , so it may be the cause of it...

and another question... how the **** does Davey Havok(AFI) go that high!!??
If you dont know what im talking bout , download these 2 songs.
AFI - Girls not grey
AFI - This Time Imperfect

On girls not grey , its the outro part. he sings " What follows" and just makes it really really high.

And on the other one , its the whole **** song.. goes from low to REALLY ****ING HIGH[/QUOTE]
Yea if youre 14 who the hell knows. Age transition will sometimes make you crack more because the larynx usually gets bigger and the cords have to balance out this change as theyre growing as well...generally its not really that big of a deal but can confuse some when they go for certain notes that they used to could close up in natural voice but now are becoming harder to. Young males are usually tenor and alto...some soprano. I was in the store this other day and this little two year old was sitting up front in the grocery cart, chanting incoherently about nothing but then he saw me coming and he looked at me and started to direct it at me, and then started this shrill. It was just incredible. He smiled and I smile back and went on about my day. Its like whenever anything like that occurs or when people are just playing around, I pay more attention to it, being that I'm all caught up in the vocal cords thing.

but I'm not sure still what you could be doing if its not related to you rasping the note a bit by accident.

I'm not sure about Davey's vocals. I havent heard alot of them but i like the AFI that I have heard. But hey its like anything else....if you cant do it "naturally" it takes practice, technique, and strength.

Merkaba 07-03-2005 12:57 PM

[QUOTE=FinalAwakening]Hey, I'm looking to be able to scream like Tim Lambesis the vocalist from the band As I Lay Dying. I have a pretty good natural singing voice despite reaching certain notes, but for the most part I can sing just about anything. But what I really need help with is screaming. I have a band called Final Awakening and I am the vocalist and lead guitarist so I have a pretty big role to play within the band itself. Now I can naturally scream somewhat, but I know for a fact that I must be doin it incorrectly because after recording vocals for 2 days straight I could barely talk without my throat hurting. Now with my throat finally not hurting anymore I am looking for help on screaming properly. I've read up on a lot of the follwing threads on how to scream properly but some of it just doesn't come to me or make sense, so I need more information and help. I have posted a link to a website where clips of my bands music is located. I would really appreciate any help anyone can possibly offer.


If you're clicking on this link to listen to the sound clips go to the audio cd and listen to Latticework, that is the best example of the way I am currently screaming, thank you.[/QUOTE]

Well that scream sounds awesome. I clicked a few more links to hear anything else but didnt. As far as As I lay dying...I'm not familiar with them that well but i've heard them and them and everyone else are doing the same things just about . Some use more tone than others but as I always say...there's really not much you can do with the cords. But if youre experiencing pain youre using incorrect technique and probably pushing too much as well if I had to guess. If you havent read the isolation thread at the begining of the this thread then I suggest you do.

Peg Dizzler 07-03-2005 02:04 PM

Hey Merk, did you ever listen to my recordings?

And about singing/screaming like Alexi, I think it would be hard to alter your tone to sound like him. He basically does the same thing as Chad from Mudvayne though, he jumps from raspy singing to screaming and makes the two sound very similar and smooth in transition. I think my screaming sounds alot like Alexi's actually, very overrasped and uhh, European-metal-like, but I'm still working on trying to get my raspy singing to sound "similar" and not so nasal, I guess.

moaner 07-03-2005 02:12 PM

hey merk and friends...

My quest to imporve my singing is getting osmehwere, and a sing song with my acoustic has made it onto my general practise schedule. I don't tend to sing loudly (family around, you know how it is :D ) so i'm wondering...

Is this kind of practice going to make me any better? I'm not especially intrested in becoming a technichally great singer, and much more in ebing able to sing in tune enough that I can do a bit of vocal work on my own stuff and maybe a band.

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