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LifeInABox 01-02-2008 08:52 PM

God, can't we just have a bit of patience? It will be well worth the wait and we all know that, so can we shut up about it?

Slaapkamers 01-02-2008 08:53 PM

[QUOTE=illpressureurhinges1;15767275]That's true. It just sucks knowing that other people are listening to it and we still have to wait another month.[/QUOTE]


kill yourself

awia 01-03-2008 04:44 AM

which song is this?


beans 01-03-2008 12:32 PM

[QUOTE=duma87;15767108]Turns out he got the tracks as a 'gift' from a friend of his; they're watermarked like all the promos. He won't leak them. :([/QUOTE]

dammit i wann hear thier new stuff right now!!!

Tyler 01-03-2008 01:02 PM

That's Goddess Gagged, Awia. It's the last track. That was the first time they ever played it live, though, so it's changed a little. They played it really fast there.

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 01:33 PM


kill yourself[/QUOTE]

Yah, because that totally makes sense. I want this cd to come out so bad I should kill myself. Great thinking.

beans 01-03-2008 01:37 PM

[QUOTE=illpressureurhinges1;15780147]Yah, because that totally makes sense. I want this cd to come out so bad I should kill myself. Great thinking.[/QUOTE]

haha arguing is funny to watch on these things

Tyler 01-03-2008 01:39 PM

Well either kill yourself or grow up. This is how the music industry works. You think the band is happy that their CD has been finished for months but yet the release date is still end of January? People always get listens early. If we didn't , a lot of people (sadly) wouldn't be able to fend for themselves.

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 01:40 PM

I understand that. I was just trying to show my eagerness for this album to come out. I think killing myself is a little drastic though...

beans 01-03-2008 01:41 PM

sadly this is how the music industry works
it sucks
but as one of the few people who still like to buy the actual CD then just downloading it from itunes or limewire, anticipation is everything, and im sure these guys will deliver

Tyler 01-03-2008 01:43 PM

They will. I understand the Japanese release may have an extra Goddess track that was left off as well.

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 01:45 PM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;15780206]They will. I understand the Japanese release may have an extra Goddess track that was left off as well.[/QUOTE]

Why do lots of bands do that?

Niflheim II 01-03-2008 01:48 PM

to prevent japs from ordering the american releases, they have incentive to get the domestic ones.

beans 01-03-2008 01:49 PM

[QUOTE=Niflheim II;15780229]to prevent japs from ordering the american releases, they have incentive to get the domestic ones.[/QUOTE]

japs, haha:p

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 01:49 PM

Alrighty then. Never knew that. So then wouldn't that make Americans want to buy the Japanese release?

Niflheim II 01-03-2008 01:50 PM

no because american releases come out before the jap ones I believe and americans are stupid etc etc

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 01:53 PM

Yah. I guess that makes sense. And true for that last part too.

Tyler 01-03-2008 01:54 PM

Japanese releases almost always feature bonus content. They're usually more expensive too. This is just a rumour though. I know there's bonus material somewhere out there, I'm just assuming their Japanese label would handle it.

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 01:55 PM

So do bigger bands have to get a label for every continent or something if they want to release around the world?

beans 01-03-2008 01:55 PM

as opposed to labels over here wanting to jack cd prices up for less content?

Tyler 01-03-2008 01:57 PM

[QUOTE=illpressureurhinges1;15780261]So do bigger bands have to get a label for every continent or something if they want to release around the world?[/QUOTE]

It depends. Bigger labels do wider releases. Underground Operations, while distributed by Universal, is only big enough to handle Canada. Vagrant is much larger, but still only handle US and Europe. Then there's a Japanese label handling it. Sometimes one label handles all markets. It just depends.

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 02:00 PM

Makes sense. It's just weird how some bands release the same album on like 2 or 3 labels, but I guess that's just how it works.

Tyler 01-03-2008 02:04 PM

It's not weird from a business stand-point. You want to get the biggest audience for your band possible.

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 02:11 PM

Yah, no, I understand. I was weird to see that as a person new to the music business, but I see why it's necessary now that I have a better grasp of the concept.

2muchket! 01-03-2008 02:16 PM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;15743783]k Europeans.

Let's just say they wanted to tour Europe. Who are some bands, not too random, that you could see them playing with?[/QUOTE]

Get them to tour with Architects. That'd be a ****ing awesome tour.

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 02:19 PM

It would be a whole lot better than Silverstein, The Devil Wears Prada, and A Day To Remember...

beans 01-03-2008 02:29 PM

[QUOTE=illpressureurhinges1;15780426]It would be a whole lot better than Silverstein, The Devil Wears Prada, and A Day To Remember...[/QUOTE]

hell yes

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 02:34 PM

I'm probably going to go see them doing one of the shows with those bands, but they're going to be the only reason I'll be there. And maybe a little because of TDWP. But I can't stand the other two.

2muchket! 01-03-2008 02:35 PM

Yeah they're both very technical bands so it'd go. Plus I can't see PTH audinces booin Architets off stage.

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 02:41 PM

Yah. I'll just go find something else to do during A Day To Remember and I can leave when Silverstein comes on, because unfortunately, Silverstein is headlining.

Mattijuana 01-03-2008 02:44 PM

Initially, I was really psyched about going to see PTH, but then I saw who they were touring with and now I'm wondering if it would be worth it


Tyler 01-03-2008 02:45 PM

Don't fault the band because their touring with random and insanely gay acts. If it's not cripplingly expensive you should go. Don't not support them because you dont want to support the bands they're touring with.

Mattijuana 01-03-2008 02:47 PM

Yeah, that makes sense. I might go, but I would have to see if my brother is willing to go as well, because that's pretty much the only way I could go see them.

Tyler makes a rare grammar error:
[QUOTE]Don't fault the band because their touring with random and insanely gay acts.[/QUOTE]


Tyler 01-03-2008 02:48 PM

I've been making that stupid mistake scarily often lately. I need to start writing again. They're :(

illpressureurhinges1 01-03-2008 02:49 PM

[QUOTE=Mattijuana;15780622]Tyler makes a rare grammar error[/QUOTE]

Oh my God...

But yah, I don't care who they're playing with, I still want to go really bad.

Mattijuana 01-03-2008 02:49 PM

What's the last review you did?

Tyler 01-03-2008 02:51 PM

[QUOTE=Mattijuana;15780639]What's the last review you did?[/QUOTE]

Triskele. I'm going to finish up my Fortress review in the next week and then I'll get going again. I'm just stuck on the rating. It's clearly a 4.5 but I want to review it with some extra harshness so I think I might review it as a 4, from a more objective standpoint. It's just frustrating because I dont place emphasis on rating so much as I do my words.

And as I get more context I just appreciate the album more. Finding out that Rody did all the growls pushed it up a good .3 and hearing the cool story behind having a cat meowing in one track definitely added a .1 and I can't exactly give it a 4.4

beans 01-03-2008 02:52 PM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;15780608]Don't fault the band because their touring with random and insanely gay acts. If it's not cripplingly expensive you should go. Don't not support them because you dont want to support the bands they're touring with.[/QUOTE]

i guess thats true
it kinda sucks though when you spend the money and you dont like any of the other bands
its just a bum out but i see where you're coming from.

Mattijuana 01-03-2008 02:57 PM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;15780656]Triskele. I'm going to finish up my Fortress review in the next week and then I'll get going again. I'm just stuck on the rating. It's clearly a 4.5 but I want to review it with some extra harshness so I think I might review it as a 4, from a more objective standpoint. It's just frustrating because I dont place emphasis on rating so much as I do my words.

And as I get more context I just appreciate the album more. Finding out that Rody did all the growls pushed it up a good .3 and hearing the cool story behind having a cat meowing in one track definitely added a .1 and I can't exactly give it a 4.4[/QUOTE]

4.4 rounds to 4.5

I think I'm gonna hold out to get the hard copy before trying to get any more songs.

Tyler 01-03-2008 02:58 PM

You wont find any more songs anyways buddddddy. Just know that Bloodmeat is the safest track on the album and that Sequoia is the most out of place on the album. So you still dont really know what you're in for.

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