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Arucard 08-28-2005 03:08 PM

[QUOTE=NachoChez][URL=http://www.somethingawful.com/fake/university/Document1.html]College of 30,000[/URL][/QUOTE]


Thats great. And true.

Chris K 08-28-2005 03:09 PM


Your pushing this moustachioed (sp?) prick to the brink[/QUOTE]

he might try and threaten us all with gun violence, like he did a few pages back.

repcak 08-28-2005 03:09 PM

congratulations man!
and don't forgetinviting me to the wedding

Phototropic 08-28-2005 03:11 PM

[QUOTE=Chris K]he might try and threaten us all with gun violence, like he did a few pages back.[/QUOTE]

Did he?! :eek:

I missed that?!

Quotes please?

Pete 08-28-2005 03:12 PM

[QUOTE=Phototropic]Did he?! :eek:

I missed that?!

Quotes please?[/QUOTE]
We're the kind of people who makes other kids bring guns to school. He didn't really threaten us as much as he validated our image of him as a complete tool.

Chris K 08-28-2005 03:12 PM

You see, I thought Marilyn Manson was to blame...

Phototropic 08-28-2005 03:17 PM

[QUOTE=FatPete]We're the kind of people who makes other kids bring guns to school. He didn't really threaten us as much as he validated our image of him as a complete tool.[/QUOTE]

Ahh yeah I saw that :lol:

moaner 08-28-2005 03:19 PM

Seriously, APY is 16?

Who'd marry a 16 yr old?

Pete 08-28-2005 03:20 PM

Someone so hideous she has to live in a dark room so as to not scare regular folks to death with her relentless ugliness..?

Arucard 08-28-2005 03:21 PM

I cant think of anyone i know that would marry this retard.

Chris K 08-28-2005 03:21 PM

[QUOTE=FatPete]Someone so hideous she has to live in a dark room so as to not scare regular folks to death with her relentless ugliness..?[/QUOTE]

And she is so ugly, she is an affront to God Himself?

I know, I have seen pics of her :upset:

denboy 08-28-2005 03:28 PM

16 years old?.. Christ.. I hope for you that you never come to your senses.. And keep staying blissfully ignorant till the day you die, because if you did come to your senses and had a clear, sane outlook on your life, you'd want to kill yourself quick.


Doop 08-28-2005 03:32 PM

[QUOTE=moaner]Seriously, APY is 16?

Who'd marry a 16 yr old?[/QUOTE]
A crack whore.

apromisingyear 08-28-2005 03:33 PM

you know what? **** this ****

Pete 08-28-2005 03:34 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]you know what? 30,000[/QUOTE]
Quit it.

Pariah 08-28-2005 03:34 PM

**** this **** **** you you ****ing ******** im outta this ****ing ****hole

YDload 08-28-2005 03:34 PM

[QUOTE=NachoChez]There were some errors with the numbers but I fixed them.[/QUOTE]

I know you're just playing on the magic number there, but it's true: the average starting income for someone with a master's degree is about $30,000 a year. It doesn't go up to fifty grand for a couple more decades after that.

apromisingyear 08-28-2005 03:35 PM

i've had enough. I can't take this **** anymore. 2 pages of BS is okay...10...no ****ing way.

I can't deal with you "****tards" anymore. You drive me ****ing mad. I'll be back...

Doop 08-28-2005 03:35 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]you know what? **** this ****[/QUOTE]
Sorry for hurting you. :upset:


MattyBlade 08-28-2005 03:35 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]Tonight (technically last night it's 12:38AM right now) I proposed to my girlfriend, Jessica.

Lets start by the beginning of the day...

I woke up, got coffee went outside and had a cigarette.

Cleaned the house a bit

Practiced guitar for a few hours

Looked at my enrollment sheet and a book of classes availiable for the college i'm going to be attending this fall. (I need to have that in within the next couple days)

I then was on the phone with Jessica helping her through her enrollment this fall.

Then um...more guitar practice and I mellowed myself out to Incubus' "Make Yourself"

She came over, we talked, we walked, held hands, the whole nine. After wards we went out and got a bite to eat. Afterwords we checked out the downtown area to see what was going on tonight. As we returned to my house I gave her my lip ring (I took out my lip ring last night and she'll be getting her upper ear area pierced and she'll be wearing mine...sentimental thing). I reminded her to boil it on the stove for a couple hours before using it.

[SIZE=4][B][U]HERE'S THE GOOD PART:[/U][/B][/SIZE] (and point of the thread)

She were about to leave my house tonight and as we were saying our good-byes next to her car. As she got in the seat and we had one last hug/kiss I decided that I couldn't wait any longer to "pop the question". I was going to wait until our Anniversary (its only a week away) but I just couldn't hold back anymore.


I asked her to get out of the car, I pulled her away from the car and I just started reflecting on everything we've went through to make it to this point and how much I love her, care about her and what not. I got on one knee (somewhere during this conversation/speech and continued. As I came to the end of it I asked, "Jessica ******** *****, will you marry me?" She said, "yes, yes I will" with tears flowing down both sides of her face.

As I got to her middle name (during the proposal) she took a huge breathe and her eyes teared up. By the time I got to the "marry me" part of the question they were coming down by the bucket load. I was touching.

So, we're engaged! :D

Reactions? Questions? Comments?

Are you (or planning to be) engaged?

Cheers :chug:

EDIT: in the sentence where I quote myself about what I said when I asked her to marry me...the "***" is her middle and last name. Its not safe to post whole names on the net you know??? :amaze: (just to avoid and confusion)[/QUOTE]

This thread is too "a wedding story" for me. It makes me want to vomit.

Pariah 08-28-2005 03:36 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]i've had enough. I can't take this **** anymore. 2 pages of BS is okay...10...no ****ing way.

I can't deal with you "****tards" anymore. You drive me ****ing mad. I'll be back...[/QUOTE]


Doop 08-28-2005 03:36 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]i've had enough. I can't take this **** anymore. 2 pages of BS is okay...10...no ****ing way.

I can't deal with you "****tards" anymore. You drive me ****ing mad. I'll be back...[/QUOTE]
Oh ****, hes going to come back and kill us!
Aww fu[SIZE=2]ck [/SIZE]you jimmy. :(

Pete 08-28-2005 03:37 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]i've had enough. I can't take this **** anymore. 2 pages of BS is okay...10...no ****ing way.

I can't deal with you "****tards" anymore. You drive me ****ing mad. I'll be back...[/QUOTE]

Pariah 08-28-2005 03:37 PM


YDload 08-28-2005 03:37 PM

I rated this thread a five because it's the closest I can get to 30,000.

Although 3.0 x 10 to the fourth power... maybe I should have given it three starts :(

Stone Cold Bush 08-28-2005 03:37 PM

Can we consider him laughed out of the Pit now?
[QUOTE=apromisingyear]i've had enough. I can't take this **** anymore. 2 pages of BS is okay...10...no ****ing way.

I can't deal with you "****tards" anymore. You drive me ****ing mad. I'll be back...[/QUOTE]
:lol: I can't wait for the sequel.

Doop 08-28-2005 03:38 PM

[QUOTE=Stone Cold Bush]Can we consider him laughed out of the Pit now?[/QUOTE]
yeha, a mix of being flamed and laughed out.

Phototropic 08-28-2005 03:39 PM

Omg nooooooo!!

Im sorry APY

I take it back

I'll buy one of ur shi[B][I][/B][/I]te CD's, I'll buy them all

Lawlzz Sarcasm rocks :D

Doop 08-28-2005 03:40 PM

I love this thread.
Thanks for the memorys APR!!

Arucard 08-28-2005 03:40 PM

When he gets back i want more abuse, especially from John.

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