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the people's army 08-18-2010 05:09 AM

Klaus Schulze


IAJP 08-18-2010 05:27 AM

good call from pplzarmy. riggggght haz i would say

if you want real good ambient stuff:

cluster, ashra, popul vuh, harmonia, (not strictly kraut but awesome and ambienty) brainticket. tangerine dream (check hyperborea out, it's more unknown but it's clearly very krautrock influenced - despite being clearly an 80's T.D. release)

if you want any man i'd be happy to send em over, i spent a LOT of money on krautrock back in the day, a bit of an embarassingly large ammount actually haha.

edit: i realised how unhelpful this post was. i'll rec an album by each to narrow it down hah.

cluster - zuckerzeit (<3)
ashra - blackouts (incredible post-krautrock ambient electronica. gripping)
popul vuh - in den garten pharaos (the track 'vuh' is 20 minutes long. and in all honesty the best thing germany as a country has ever produced. including gerd muller :lol: )
harmonia - muzik von harmonia (amazing release from the old cluster boys with new, richard d. james lookalike Neu! boy michael rothers spacey guitar work)
brainticket - celestial ocean (nuts...really, absolutely nuts).
klaus schulze - cyborg (utterly insane proto-robotic music, bit atonal at times but utterly wonderful and obviously electronic as fook).
tangerine dream - hyperborea (wonderfully 80's but not actually gay or ****).

hope that helped more, srrrrrry for long post guize.

Meatplow 08-18-2010 07:12 AM

i've got Tangerine Dream's [I]Alpha Centauri[/I] and Popul Vuh's [I]Affenstunde[/I]

I think Jaundice recommended me at least a few of those I never bothered to listen to, thanks

IAJP 08-18-2010 07:14 AM

there's too much tangerine dream that needs to be listened to. it's a bit annoying. hyperborea bops along with a bizarre kind of kraut-optimism.

Meatplow 08-18-2010 07:19 AM

I like their 80's soundtrack work

[I]3 O'Clock High[/I] was a pretty underrated one, and [I]Miracle Mile[/I]

Meatplow 08-18-2010 07:36 AM

[quote]The World premier of this 4 hour long documentary BOYD RICE - 'ICONOCLAST' - THE BOYD RICE DOCUMENTARY will take place on Tuesday, 17th August, 2010 at




Also highly likely, for pre and post show entertainment, will be the playing of tracks from the CD of the new Death In June album 'Peaceful Snow' plus new tracks that Boyd and I recently recorded to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the release of 'Music, Martinis And Misanthropy'.

For a trailer of the documentary please go to the Calendar section of: http://newbevcinema.com

BOYD RICE - 'ICONOCLAST' - THE BOYD RICE DOCUMENTARY will be showing at select cinemas for the next 9 months before a DVD release.

More news will follow regarding the 2 new recordings mentioned above.


Douglas P.[/quote]

from the Death In June mailing list, lol

IAJP 08-18-2010 07:38 AM

man i keep getting recommended NON..find their stuff infinitely hard to locate so i occasionally view youtube for it..

Meatplow 08-18-2010 07:41 AM

I put a compilation up on my blog, [I]God & Beast[/I] is pretty good too. his stuff is very hit and miss though and when its bad it is bad

get The Boyd Rice Experience's [I]Hatesville![/I] and Death In June & Boyd Rice - [I]Scorpion Wind[/I] (also known as Scorpion Wind -[I] Heaven Sent[/I]), to me these are probably capture the essence of the guy better than anything else he has ever recorded


also this is worth a viewing, horribly self indulgent though (which just makes it funny really)

Meatplow 08-18-2010 10:56 PM

[quote]Saw the premiere of Iconoclast in Los Angeles last night. A lot of people showed up; the New Beverly Cinema nearly sold out. There were no protesters that I could see. In addition to Boyd, the evening was star-studded with the likes of the Goddess Bunny, Giddle Partridge (and her clique), Rodney Bingenheimer, Francine Dancer, Coop, Skye Shelley, Michael Des Barres and more (many of who appeared later as talking heads onscreen). Adam Parfrey wasn't there, though he's in the movie.

Mr. Rice is very approachable, and unfailingly warm and polite. The show got off to a real late start when director Larry Wessel finally showed up with the finished movie. Michael Des Barres briefly interviewed Boyd and Larry before the movie.

This version of the movie is four hours long, which is just ridiculous. Though the show dragged far less than one would expect, mostly due to Boyd's charm and fun storytelling. But Wessel needs a ruthless editor to cut his movie if it's going to appeal to anyone who's not already very interested in his subject(s).

That being said, there's a lot of cool stuff for the fans to digest. It was nice to get some different perspectives on the RE/Search creeps, the genesis of NON, Boyd's relationship with religious huckster Bob Larson (there's some good-natured debate between Bob & Boyd about Xtianity, the nature of duality, etc.), the tiki explosion and resurgence, Charles Manson, the Partridge Family, Tiny Tim... and of course there's lots of Anton LaVey hagiography, which is nice. One thing that was missing was much of anything from the Lisa Suckdog era, though Boyd makes casual mention of their relationship as the "worst time in [his] life" or something like that. Didn't they have a kid? Also, it would have been nice to hear some more about Rice's old bandmate, author Michael Moynihan, who has also been accused of racist leanings in broad terms. And no direct mention of that appearance on Tom Metzger's show. The movie seems content to add lots of context regarding Boyd's interests in totalitarian philosophy, militarism, the power of symbols, occultism and ****ing with people, and let the viewers draw their own conclusions. I really dug the scene where Rice politely confronts a trio of moronic "anti-hate" lemmings on the street protesting one of his gigs in Hollywood.

The movie needs work. There are some segments with really bad audio which could be cleaned up, and as I mentioned, the running time is outrageously long. It's shot on video (it was DVD projection last night) and the shakycam gets out of hand sometimes, especially when the director zooms way in and then sweeps back and forth between two people talking. The musical interludes go on too long, both the early noise works and his later more "conceptual" pieces, and I say that as a fan of both periods of music (though I do prefer the earlier "Rorschach" noise of NON).

Overall, I liked it. But if you go, bring a sandwich.[/quote]

A post on another forum I post at

IAJP 08-19-2010 02:27 AM

that sounds cool man. that's what i like about a lot of early industrial musicians, they're generally pretty nice fellas/women. just absolutely perverted.

speaking of movies (i dont go very much really), is inception any good?

the people's army 08-19-2010 05:13 AM

it's a pile of fail and aids



imdb sez it was elite

Meatplow 08-19-2010 06:21 AM

general consensus seems to be that its good, even grumbly film elitists on other forums I post at praise it for being better than a lot of other blockbusters

gonna listen to Fad Gadget

Aaron 08-19-2010 07:01 AM


Meatplow 08-19-2010 07:29 AM

is there a trend of time stretching songs now

thought I was doing something hip making ambient music out of it several months ago

IAJP 08-19-2010 07:29 AM

i always listen to fad gadget with my dog on my bed, the track 'back to nature' terrifies it..with the whirly oscilator and so on.

p.s. 800% slower tracks are in at the moment. i will listen.

Meatplow 08-19-2010 07:36 AM

yeah only heard the album Frank Tovey did with Boyd Rice

I have [I]Gag[/I]

Meatplow 08-21-2010 07:19 AM

last track on [I]Flowers In Exile [/I]is so good

reminds me of Laibach's[I] The Great Seal[/I]

Aaron 08-23-2010 08:23 AM


FatalEnergy 08-23-2010 10:08 AM

[QUOTE=Meatplow;18141742]last track on [I]Flowers In Exile [/I]is so good

reminds me of Laibach's[I] The Great Seal[/I][/QUOTE]

Both are great

Meatplow 08-23-2010 10:09 AM

new Foetus should probably be around September

Murdererer 08-23-2010 04:30 PM

np: skinny puppy - bites (1985)

owns hard

Meatplow 08-23-2010 09:54 PM


check out [I]The Ultimate Hardgore Splatter Tape[/I] compilation of extreme gore and industrial metal music

think I heard Godflesh in there somewhere

the people's army 08-23-2010 10:14 PM


the people's army 08-23-2010 10:14 PM


this and everything under "Minha lista de blogs" = rules hard

Meatplow 08-23-2010 10:37 PM

that blog looks rather good, actually


some others Cpl. Harold 'Slaughterhouse' Boyle's blog is particularly good pity it never gets updated

the people's army 08-23-2010 10:40 PM

I should update



gay shit is happening

the people's army 08-23-2010 10:41 PM

also go on msn and/or fb

Meatplow 08-24-2010 06:56 AM

sorry I was at work

Meatplow 08-24-2010 05:49 PM

listening to F.U.S.E., could get into some minimal techno if anybody has some recs

also decided to get the rest of the Throbbing Gristle discography i've missed out on ([I]D.o.A The Third and Final Report, Heathen Earth, In The Shadow of The Sun, The Third Mind Movements, First Annual Report, Mission of Dead Souls[/I])

the people's army 08-24-2010 10:33 PM


no lyrics for this album exist on the Internets

lyrics transcribed for Muskelkraft

an MX exclusive

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