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EADGCF 05-30-2009 03:26 PM

[QUOTE=Raayl;17270455]idk why this turned into a REASON IS BETTER THAN EVERYTHING argument i was simply bringing up the fact that reason acoustic instruments are [I]not[/I] synthetic[/QUOTE]

No, they're not. Poor choice of wording on my part. What I meant to say is that sampling and sequencing [I]itself[/I] doesn't do it for me all the time.

[QUOTE=honeydutchautopsy;17270461]This ^^^[/QUOTE]

I have Reason 4.0. And it doesn't do everything I want it to, hell [I]no[/I] sequencing technology does. See my previous posts.

BenJammin 05-30-2009 03:30 PM

[QUOTE=BenJammin;17270430]I like composing with Reason. Most of the sounds are good, and fit well in a mix with other sounds. Here's a piece I just finished the other day:


Just sayin'.

Moon Flavor 05-30-2009 04:12 PM


I have Reason 4.0. And it doesn't do everything I want it to, hell [I]no[/I] sequencing technology does. See my previous posts.[/QUOTE]

How about learn to read I wasn't agreeing with sade at all I said "this" to answer his question on why we think he thought reason samples are better than real instruments

EADGCF 05-30-2009 05:39 PM

[QUOTE=honeydutchautopsy;17270680]How about learn to read I wasn't agreeing with sade at all I said "this" to answer his question on why we think he thought reason samples are better than real instruments[/QUOTE]

You can't say I can't read because you quoted the wrong post How about learn to punctuate

And Reason samples aren't better than real instruments, they're more convenient. I don't think Sade would disagree with me on that.

Convectuoso 05-30-2009 06:53 PM

You can't really say a program like Reason and it's sampled sounds come anywhere near to the real thing.

But when you get into the like 320 gig piano sample packs, and $10,000 string packs, it's so ****ing close that it's ridiculous.

to jcs: When you get into the very high end multi-sampled Piano's, they're samlpling every single bloody key at 20 or so different velocities. And also do things like when you put your elbows on a load of different keys it makes that clunking sound. They even sample pedal noises.

There is a way to get all these nuances out of some instruments, but you're gonna have to take out a second mortgage to be able to afford it.

I wish everyone would stop using Reason as the benchmark of all software samplers :/

and just for everyones information: Real synths > soft-synths.

Epidemechanical 05-30-2009 08:31 PM

[QUOTE=honeydutchautopsy;17270509]THE MAN WANTED A ****ING HARPSICHORD

if everyone were a negative nancy like you sade we'd just sit around arguing with eachother all day

which is NOT what we do here it's just not[/QUOTE]

lol dude you get mad [I]way[/I] too easy calm down and make some music

Epidemechanical 05-30-2009 08:33 PM

[QUOTE=Joelbassman;17270852]You can't really say a program like Reason and it's sampled sounds come anywhere near to the real thing.

But when you get into the like 320 gig piano sample packs, and $10,000 string packs, it's so ****ing close that it's ridiculous.

to jcs: When you get into the very high end multi-sampled Piano's, they're samlpling every single bloody key at 20 or so different velocities. And also do things like when you put your elbows on a load of different keys it makes that clunking sound. They even sample pedal noises.

There is a way to get all these nuances out of some instruments, but you're gonna have to take out a second mortgage to be able to afford it.

I wish everyone would stop using Reason as the benchmark of all software samplers :/

and just for everyones information: Real synths > soft-synths.[/QUOTE]

joel ftw

new reason patches even have a knob for the amount of FRET BUZZ you want. now thats pro.

i still use bass guitar though on some ebm stuff though cause you cant make chugga chugga in reason but im sure there are sequencers and combinators out there that do it just fine

Epidemechanical 05-30-2009 08:35 PM

btw the reason its so easy to get hyped up about synth programs like reason and ableton is because they take away the one major obstacle that stands between most people and making decent audio - the recording process

you really dont need thousands dollars of gear anymore, you can have a grand piano, harpsicord, blazing saw synth and theremin all in one beautiful package. lets people get their music down better plus reason is a great place to doodle and come up with stuff

benefits - easy to use, lets you bypass the serious cash flow problem of recording all the instruments acoustically and traditionally

negatives - saturates us with maybe too much music, pretty much 90% of people still suck anyways

EADGCF 05-30-2009 08:54 PM

[QUOTE=Raayl;17270955]lol dude you get mad [I]way[/I] too easy calm down and make some music[/QUOTE]

Yeah, really.

I wish everyone would stop using Reason as the benchmark of all software samplers :/

[I]Seriously[/I]. Like most things in this place, hyped up the most by those who don't understand it. :_?

you really dont need thousands dollars of gear anymore, you can have a grand piano, harpsicord, blazing saw synth and theremin all in one beautiful package. lets people get their music down better plus reason is a great place to doodle and come up with stuff

negatives - saturates us with maybe too much music, pretty much 90% of people still suck anyways[/QUOTE]

Well yeah it's convenient, but at least when playing an instrument you [I]have[/I] to know what you're doing to make a decent recording. You put the time in or you get nowhere. Nowadays it's almost too easy to throw together a bunch of samples and call it a song.

Epidemechanical 05-30-2009 08:59 PM

ya i agree and real instruments are still very important i mean especially for live performance nothing is worse than one guy with a laptop =/

i dont even like EBM bands who do it solo live

Mr. Pickle 05-30-2009 10:07 PM

Sade, did you see Up?

Epidemechanical 05-30-2009 10:50 PM

nah dude looks awesome though

derick loves the 3d movies cause of all his 3d design classes so he brings me along

Efrim 05-30-2009 11:20 PM

In other news, maybe it's high time you all went and watched The Proposition.
More Nick Cave soundtracking a la Assassination of Jesse James, plus really good writin' and story.

Convectuoso 05-31-2009 01:52 AM

[QUOTE=Raayl;17270958]joel ftw

new reason patches even have a knob for the amount of FRET BUZZ you want. now thats pro.

i still use bass guitar though on some ebm stuff though cause you cant make chugga chugga in reason but im sure there are sequencers and combinators out there that do it just fine[/QUOTE]
Why thank you :cool:

To EADGC: LOL totally. Until you really get into sampling and synthesis, i.e. making your own sample banks and creating your own patches on a synth, you never really get past 'dialing up a preset'. And that takes no effort at all, and usually equates to a sound you're not very happy with.

If I could give one tip to someone playing around with synths and samplers is to **** around with the ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) section of the sampler and/or synth. You can make some really effin' cool sounds by setting huge attacks and release. Results in these huge swelling sounds :)


Chicken is the most holiest of meats.

gaslight 05-31-2009 02:04 AM

[QUOTE=Efrim;17271240]In other news, maybe it's high time you all went and watched The Proposition.
More Nick Cave soundtracking a la Assassination of Jesse James, plus really good writin' and story.[/QUOTE]

Awesome movie. Best Australian film ever? Maybe.

Efrim 05-31-2009 07:47 PM

There are only two good ones ever, so it is pretty possible.

Spaceman Spiff 05-31-2009 07:57 PM

Jesse, do you know the band Six Finger Satellite?
How about Karp?

DaveSavesTheDay 05-31-2009 09:55 PM

So, at the MMVAs, Cohen (as Bruno) pulled a stunt where he landed on Eminem with his almost bare ***.

In typical Cohen style, Eminem was completely clueless and left the show utterly pissed off with his entire entourage.

Eminem also performed and it was pretty horrendous.

Epidemechanical 05-31-2009 10:06 PM



more or less my 1000 pt blood angels army

gaslight 05-31-2009 11:18 PM

So is it pronounced "rail"?

Cool army. Coolest bit is I have exactly the same cutting mat around here somewhere.

Epidemechanical 05-31-2009 11:54 PM

i might be able to squeeze in a land speeder havnt calculated the point cost yet

so far the list reads

Brother Corbulo
Attack bike with multimelta
Furioso Dreadnought
Baal Predator with twin linked Las+las sponsors
1 tactical squad, split into two combat squads
1st combat squad with flamer led by a veteran sgt with a power fist
2nd combat squad with melta gun led by an assault veteran sgt
1 assault squad with jump packs and power axe
5 death company units (2 free for the two troop choices, 3 at 30 pts each)

Epidemechanical 05-31-2009 11:58 PM

my strategy will probably read something similar to this:

ill drop the assault sgt in the tac squad for brother corbulo, and they'll hop into the rhino and push up the center. i'll direct assault with my 5 assault troops and 5 death company via jump pack (nothing can stand up to the death company in assault especially not five of them in a 1000 point game) that way, the rhino will be right behind my assault troops. i'll push about halfway up the map before i disembark my tac squad, and they'll provide cover fire + corbulo can heal my death company

and while all this is going on i'll safely walk my furioso and baal pred right up the map - they should be too busy trying to dodge my death company to care about them till its too late

ill also use the bike to rush early with my jump troops to get some early tank kills. any leftovers hopefully can be easily taken care of by my power fist equipped sgt in the assault phase

Epidemechanical 05-31-2009 11:59 PM

oh and i just re-inked all my vehicles, so i havnt highlighted them yet. the death company is also awaiting highlights...dont have the charcoal color i want for it yet.

Epidemechanical 06-01-2009 12:09 AM

i really hate how good some people are at painting these damn things btw...i cant bring myself to post on the blood angels forum :-(

Mr. Pickle 06-01-2009 01:53 AM

post moar

gaslight 06-01-2009 03:24 AM

Do you have regular battles?

karmapavementplan 06-01-2009 06:03 AM

Hey, Mr. Pickle changed his picture... times are a-changin'

Epidemechanical 06-01-2009 07:13 AM

[QUOTE=gaslight;17273348]Do you have regular battles?[/QUOTE]


Moon Flavor 06-01-2009 10:36 AM

wow nerds

Epidemechanical 06-01-2009 10:48 AM

uh oh jcs doesnt approve this is dire

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