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Gorgon 03-11-2012 06:06 PM

haz did you ever buy one of alex's cd's?
I'm ripping mine onto my computer right now (finally)

MalleusMaleficarum 03-11-2012 06:06 PM

[QUOTE=HighandDriving;18822053]If you don't care that we all laugh at you then you are the strongest beta around.[/QUOTE]

C-Rate deflection


MalleusMaleficarum 03-11-2012 06:07 PM


the fact is im not obsessed with anyone's lives[/QUOTE]


Angmar 03-11-2012 06:07 PM

Dude, stop giving them attention.

BethanyLizard 03-11-2012 06:08 PM

[QUOTE=Gorgon;18822049]isn't that what sent you to the psych ward?[/QUOTE]

not really i was acting a jackass and the cops came to my house and when my parents said some thing about how much i smoke they recomennded it

HighandDriving 03-11-2012 06:08 PM

[QUOTE=Haz;18822055]idk man I suspect one day he'll hit a midlife crisis or something

things will happen in his life and the facade he has created for himself will come tumbling down all around and he'll realise he is deeply, deeply alone and needs companionship apart from fellow internet jerks

but you are right he'll probably be all lol depression shrug it off and troll MX if it is still around[/QUOTE]

Implying he didn't troll you off MX.

edit: for a period.

MalleusMaleficarum 03-11-2012 06:09 PM

[QUOTE=Angmar;18822060]Dude, stop giving them attention.[/QUOTE]


see this? notice how he refers to you guys as, essentially, a cancer?


Gorgon 03-11-2012 06:09 PM

[QUOTE=BethanyLizard;18822061]not really i was acting a jackass and the cops came to my house and when my parents said some thing about how much i smoke they recomennded it[/QUOTE]

oh well that's just about as bad I'd say

and what exactly is fake weed?

Haz 03-11-2012 06:10 PM

[QUOTE=Angmar;18822060]Dude, stop giving them attention.[/QUOTE]

what's doing Jesus

Angmar 03-11-2012 06:12 PM

Home from work, gonna study for my finals tomorrow all day, really exciting.

Haz 03-11-2012 06:15 PM

[QUOTE=Gorgon;18822056]haz did you ever buy one of alex's cd's?
I'm ripping mine onto my computer right now (finally)[/QUOTE]

actually no :( I probably should get on that

[QUOTE=Angmar;18822066]Home from work, gonna study for my finals tomorrow all day, really exciting.[/QUOTE]

ya i'm stuck doing work all day this research assignment has been kind of overwhelming but i've almost cracked it

lots of researching mental health policies and demographics and stuff

MalleusMaleficarum 03-11-2012 06:17 PM

[QUOTE=Gorgon;18822064]and what exactly is fake weed?[/QUOTE]


BethanyLizard 03-11-2012 06:18 PM

[QUOTE=Gorgon;18822064]oh well that's just about as bad I'd say

and what exactly is fake weed?[/QUOTE]

they sell it at headshops

some of its sprayed down with chemicals and gives people strokes and shit

Gorgon 03-11-2012 06:19 PM

so it's still weed?

like what is it made of?

Angmar 03-11-2012 06:21 PM

It's made of synthetic cannabinoids and other herbs and stuff to try and give a similar effect, there's no weed in it.

BethanyLizard 03-11-2012 06:21 PM

blue lotus and mullen leaf and bulk chemicals like that sprayed with synthetic canabinoids that are somewhat legal and dont show up in drug tests

Gorgon 03-11-2012 06:22 PM

that sounds like the least healthy thing ever

MalleusMaleficarum 03-11-2012 06:23 PM

only idiots do it tbh

BethanyLizard 03-11-2012 06:23 PM

yeah its pretty cracked out

[QUOTE]only idiots do it tbh[/QUOTE]lol fag cant handle it

Angmar 03-11-2012 06:24 PM

Yeah it's really bad for you, if I couldn't smoke weed I wouldn't even bother with it.

BethanyLizard 03-11-2012 06:24 PM

its fairly religious and important

MalleusMaleficarum 03-11-2012 06:28 PM


lol fag cant handle it[/QUOTE]


BethanyLizard 03-11-2012 06:30 PM

similar to the dust cleaner spoken of in ancient lore

Juddybear 03-11-2012 06:39 PM

dust cleaner isnt cool, shit is dangerous

BethanyLizard 03-11-2012 06:42 PM

its really amusing in small doses

done it like three times in the past 2 years probably

robertsona 03-11-2012 06:43 PM

do you think adb's tombstone will read simply ":lol:"

StaffReviewer 03-11-2012 06:43 PM

how is everyone tonight :)

BethanyLizard 03-11-2012 06:44 PM

power and sex

Gorgon 03-11-2012 06:45 PM

[QUOTE=StaffReviewer;18822096]how is everyone tonight :)[/QUOTE]


got "Long Distance" by Onra on vinyl for free because my dad bought a stereo and doesn't like physical media :cool:

robertsona 03-11-2012 06:47 PM

eating ICE CREAm

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