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Amit 09-01-2005 12:07 AM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]true...but you're also from Jersey. This is California...northern california. We are on two opposite sides of the U.S. People vary with place.

Here...theres been support from indians. I'll be honest, i thought they were going to murder I us. Instead I got better reactions. I was happy with those reactions. I didn't expect these people out here to be so supportive with us. Its a good feeling to know that at least SOME people are on your side.[/QUOTE]


I know Indians from California too. There isn't much variance, trust me.

Any sensible person from any race will agree that it is way too soon to even think about settling down, especially when neither of you are coming from a distinguished family of great wealth and neither of you really are going to have an incredible amount of income anytime soon.

If you think you really love her, then wait until you both can support your endeavors. It's as simple as that.

TheDanRathersProject 09-01-2005 12:08 AM

[QUOTE=Zmev]Might wanna check the date on that actually.[/QUOTE]


apromisingyear 09-01-2005 12:29 AM

[QUOTE]SO she's indian then latin american....hmmmmmm

I had to keep you all guessing didn't I?

This is pretty fun isn't it? one minute we been together THIS long, the next minute we been together THIS long. One minute she's THIS, the next minute she's THAT. It's like THIS...then like THAT...then like THIS...then like THAT. It's pretty entertaining.


honestly...the latina posts aren't true (obviously). I just had to find a way to have fun whilst being flamed. That way YOU laugh and I laugh. We all win. :chug:

[QUOTE]This is true, she's way better looking than I'd have given him credit for being able to snag.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. :D

I'm taking that as a compliment. BTW that picture of her sitting in that chair with another girl is a couple years old. Just so you know. She were 15 in that picture I think. Dont quote me on that because im not 100% sure.

anyway. thanks. (that was the only compliment in this thread...its sad.)

[QUOTE]She definitely does not qualify for being a holla back girl.[/QUOTE]

If she were a "holla back girl" I wouldn't have made an engagement thread because we all know that you don't marry "holla back girls" because they're not as trustworthy. I didn't ask this female to marry me because everyone gawks at her...I asked her to marry me because she's a wonderful person, she's kindhearted, very smart (like I said all through high school she kept a GPA ABOVE...that right...ABOVE 4.0), sensitive, caring, and because she's (in my eyes...its all in the eye of the beholder) absolutely beautiful. I adore her.

[QUOTE]Digging us and getting a giant laugh[/QUOTE]

*Ding Ding Ding*
You sir are correct. :)


On a more serious note...

[QUOTE]you never told us what your main source of income is going to be. unless i missed it. Please explain in great detail[/QUOTE]

Okay... Here goes...

In about 4-6 months she's moving in with me.

I personally will be the one outside her house with a pickup and some buddys to pick her up as well as her belongings.

From that point...

She and I will be living together. The whole nine.

We will both be in college (her taken online classes) and I actually going to college.
The traffic for me will suck. Big Time.

She'll be studying Criminal Justice & I will be studying Recording Arts.

During this time we'll be (in addition to going to college) working to bring in some money (to prepare us for moving out).

So for a couple years we'll be going to college and working whilst living together.

Once we obtain our master's from college we will be searching for better jobs that our masters degree's make us eligible for. That means increased pay.

Then, we move out.

My family will be helping (money-wise) to get us into a nice sized house/condo (haven't decided between the two).

However, we wont be moving into this new home UNLESS we can have the money stablized to a range where all bills can be paid.

That means were not going to move into some house and not be able to afford it.

So thats how it works...

Any questions? I'd be more than happy to answer them for you.

cheers :chug:

Zmev 09-01-2005 12:30 AM

[QUOTE]This is pretty fun isn't it? one minute we been together THIS long, the next minute we been together THIS long. One minute she's THIS, the next minute she's THAT. It's like THIS...then like THAT...then like THIS...then like THAT. It's pretty entertaining.

honestly...the latina posts aren't true (obviously). I just had to find a way to have fun whilst being flamed. That way YOU laugh and I laugh. We all win. [/QUOTE]

Translated: I've made such an idiot of myself on this site I'm going to now say it was all a joke.

apromisingyear 09-01-2005 12:39 AM

[QUOTE=Zmev]Translated: I've made such an idiot of myself on this site I'm going to now say it was all a joke.[/QUOTE]

do you REALLY think if anyone were to believe me or not that the flaming directed towards me would lighten up? no? so why would I lie right now? I have no reason to.

My engagement is real. Jessica is the female. That is all true!

Why would I take things this far and still participate in the threads?

Why would I put fourth all the time to be here and deal with it if it weren't true? don't you think I would have said I were joking about the engagement by now? It's real. We ARE engaged. Latina thing...joke.

Amit 09-01-2005 12:40 AM

The funny thing is that nearly all of my friends graduated high school with GPAs of over 4.0. It's not a hard thing to do, even with all college level classes.

Recognize some of [url=http://tinypic.com/bhge2p.jpg]these places[/url]?

Also, zeppelinfan2k3 wasn't complimenting you. Look at the post again and maybe you'll understand.

You have such a foolish understanding of the real world that I feel very sorry for you and the poor girl you've dragged into this.

Zmev 09-01-2005 12:42 AM

[QUOTE]Why would I put fourth all the time to be here and deal with it if it weren't true? don't you think I would have said I were joking about the engagement by now? It's real. We ARE engaged. Latina thing...joke.[/QUOTE]

Do you think you have credibility on this site, really?

apromisingyear 09-01-2005 12:54 AM

[QUOTE]Do you think you have credibility on this site, really?[/QUOTE]

No. I know I don't.

[QUOTE]The funny thing is that nearly all of my friends graduated high school with GPAs of over 4.0. It's not a hard thing to do, even with all college level classes.

Recognize some of these places?[/QUOTE]

It's not WHAT college you go to. It's what you do with your degree and the knowledge that you've obtained. You only learn as much as you WANT to learn.

Special Brew 09-01-2005 12:58 AM

APY is obviously a pathological liar, so we can't credit ANYTHING he says.

/says the obvious

Amit 09-01-2005 01:07 AM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]It's not WHAT college you go to. It's what you do with your degree and the knowledge that you've obtained. You only learn as much as you WANT to learn.[/QUOTE]


That's only so very slightly true and it's usually something only said by people who aren't really going to one of the top schools out there. I guess it's to comfort themselves?

You have so much to learn about college and the real world...It's frightening.

apromisingyear 09-01-2005 01:08 AM

[QUOTE=Damien Rhodes]we can't credit ANYTHING he says.[/QUOTE]

...Or CAN you?

oh shi... :eek:

Amit 09-01-2005 01:09 AM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]...Or CAN you?

oh shi... :eek:[/QUOTE]

No, we can't.

See [url=http://www.musicianforums.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9444323&postcount=372]this[/url] for a nice and succinct breakdown on Frank.

Drall 09-01-2005 01:10 AM

He brought it upon himself.

He'll be ridiculed for generations.

Deathcrush 09-01-2005 01:16 AM

Hey, Frank, say something to me! Please! Say anything! :D


jenyus 09-01-2005 01:40 AM


Illmatic 09-01-2005 01:50 AM

Amit...I can't say much because you made me cry again :( I will keep all those promises I made...I...I love you!


(listen to that "You Made Me Cry Again" song on his myspace if you don't get the joke)

Amit 09-01-2005 02:00 AM


This thread is a welcome respite to all the crap that's going on in the world, man.

Illmatic 09-01-2005 02:06 AM

/noodles on a guitar with the most godawful tone ever

moe. 09-01-2005 02:10 AM

[QUOTE=Deathcrush]Hey, Frank, say something to me! Please! Say anything! :D


Zmev 09-01-2005 02:15 AM

[QUOTE=Frankie's myspace]For The Asshats of MXFORUMS: **** YOU[/QUOTE]


Illmatic 09-01-2005 02:19 AM

Oh man, this whole thing is just way too funny.

And I mean, on the one hand I want to feel bad for him.

On the other hand, he brought this all on himself. I mean, this is 100% his fault. That's why it's so funny.

Amit 09-01-2005 02:29 AM

He's really the closest thing we have to an e-celebrity. But not the good kind of e-celebrity.

Now if I can get this into Encyclopedia Dramatica...Oh...That will be good times indeed.

Phototropic 09-01-2005 02:29 AM

Eggo pwnt pag spic prick Fr(w)ank

Illmatic 09-01-2005 02:31 AM

[QUOTE=Eggo]He's really the closest thing we have to an e-celebrity. But not the good kind of e-celebrity.

Now if I can get this into Encyclopedia Dramatica...Oh...That will be good times indeed.[/QUOTE]

He's like John Wayne Bobbitt, O.J. Simpson, or Tonya Harding...he's a punchline, he carries more infamy than fame.

Has anyone here thought about putting him into wikipedia?

Amit 09-01-2005 02:32 AM

[QUOTE=Phototropic]Eggo pwnt pag spic prick Fr(w)ank[/QUOTE]

Heh, thanks I guess.

But I don't really see me as "pwning" anything or anyone in this thread. I'm just presenting what's already been done.

[QUOTE=Illmatic]He's like John Wayne Bobbitt, O.J. Simpson, or Tonya Harding...he's a punchline, he carries more infamy than fame.

Has anyone here thought about putting him into wikipedia?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, exactly.

[url=http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Main_Page]Encyclopedia Dramatica[/url] is a wiki made just for this sort of dramas on my internets :)

Illmatic 09-01-2005 02:36 AM


Phototropic 09-01-2005 02:58 AM

Then we were talking and she asked is that it... I replied "yeah, i think so, what about you?" and she replied, "yeah, thats it"

After a slight pause she said, "hey!, post it in the forum your always on". I asked which one. She said, "the one about music and guitars". I said, "oh that one".
So she thought it would be great to let everyone on the forum know.

Frankie baby tries to pretend he doesn't care :lol:

Here's the real convo

After a slight pause she said "hey! post it in the for..."

"MX!!!! By Gum!!!! *pushes Jess over in a mad rush to log onto his PC*

Illmatic 09-01-2005 03:01 AM

"All the people on MX who constantly laugh me off the internet will surely congratulate me!"

Amit 09-01-2005 03:03 AM

[QUOTE=Illmatic]"All the people on MX who constantly laugh me off the internet will surely congratulate me!"[/QUOTE]


Phototropic 09-01-2005 03:06 AM



That's going as my desktop

Illmatic 09-01-2005 03:07 AM



"And if they insult me, by George I will give them one stern talking-to!"

Amit 09-01-2005 03:11 AM


That's going as my desktop[/QUOTE]

[url=http://tinypic.com/bhj5vk.jpg]This one holds more truth and just looks sexier.[/url]

Phototropic 09-01-2005 03:12 AM

[QUOTE=Eggo][url=http://tinypic.com/bhj5vk.jpg]This one holds more truth and just looks sexier.[/url][/QUOTE]

That slays me :lol:

keep 'em coming!

Amit 09-01-2005 03:37 AM

[url=http://tinypic.com/bhjg3t.jpg]This one[/url] will be my last one for now. I need to go to sleep :p

It's in colorbar form...Perfect for LiveJournal or Xanga <3

Phototropic 09-01-2005 03:48 AM

I love it :)

veggie 3.14 09-01-2005 05:25 AM

/Takes hat off to Eggo.

That made my day, :lol:

BlindWriting 09-01-2005 09:07 AM

[QUOTE=Illmatic]Has anyone here thought about putting him into wikipedia?[/QUOTE]
That would be a f[font=]u[/font]cking brilliant idea.

veggie 3.14 09-01-2005 10:58 AM


Amit 09-01-2005 12:25 PM

[QUOTE=BlindWriting]That would be a f[font=]u[/font]cking brilliant idea.[/QUOTE]

[url=http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Main_Page]This[/url] is where he should be immortalized, at least until the site gets taken down for making fun of one too many furries.

AnotsoPromisingYear 09-01-2005 12:58 PM

HAHA, wasnt that whole thing with 30,000 cds a funny JOKE :lol:

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