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ashman 05-12-2005 02:54 PM

Erm...I have a question, how exactly do you sing from the Diaphragm?

MGreeny 05-12-2005 06:58 PM

Thanks CDoasis...I was just kidding bout before. No hard feelings?

Peg Dizzler 05-12-2005 07:15 PM

[QUOTE=MGreeny]Thanks CDoasis...I was just kidding bout before. No hard feelings?[/QUOTE]

Oh no it's all cool... I didn't know if you were kidding or not, but I take things lightly, so I just wrote what I felt like saying, that's how I viewed it anyway. Good luck! :thumb:

zippcraz1one 05-13-2005 09:34 AM

dudes help me out please!!!
is it suposed to be easy to hit and hold notes?
or am i ****ed ?
cuz its really easy and im scared i ****ed something up.
i do inhaled screams alot. could that be why its doing this?
i want it to be hard not easy !!! please please please help me!!
and it seems like the less i practice the easier it gets.
like one time i stoped for a few weeks. then i started back.
and it was easy to hold notes. a month after that.
i was singing for 3 to 4 hours. and it was easy to hit notes.
and somtimes it seems like my adams apple is swollen.
it just seems bigger i dont know,
and its allways been kinda big.

is any of this normal or am i just ****ed? please pleas help me!!

il give more info later i got to go

AngusYoung413 05-13-2005 11:40 AM

hey i have a big problem with my band's vocalist.....he doesnt have any problems hitting notes or any falsetto problems like that because he has taking vocal lessons for about a year. But there is a problem..Is there anyway to make his voice sound "cooler" and more pleasant to listen to? He is technically a "good" singer but his voice is slightly annoying and whiny.....Any suggestions or should we just look for a new singer?

Peg Dizzler 05-13-2005 01:12 PM

[QUOTE=AngusYoung413]hey i have a big problem with my band's vocalist.....he doesnt have any problems hitting notes or any falsetto problems like that because he has taking vocal lessons for about a year. But there is a problem..Is there anyway to make his voice sound "cooler" and more pleasant to listen to? He is technically a "good" singer but his voice is slightly annoying and whiny.....Any suggestions or should we just look for a new singer?[/QUOTE]

Unless his voice is really really unpleasant, which it shouldn't be if he's a good technical singer, I wouldn't kick him out.
That sounds like the situation of alot of bands and vocalists these days though. Professional or semi-professional bands, anyway. The fact is that everyone is talented and all, but when it comes to vocals, you are simply stuck with the tone you have. It's like your speaking voice; you can't really make it sound different unless you force it to all the time or strain yourself.
I suppose you could work on a whiny or nasally voice though. I don't have a nasal talking voice, but my singing voice can be nasal at times. Which isn't all that pleasant to me. So I just try to work on it and improve it, I guess, and try to focus on keeping it.. not nasal. :lol:

Oh, and how old is your singer? If he's a teenager, or even younger, chances are his voice will change a little bit as he gets older.

I don't know how you practice or what equipment you use, but I suppose you could try to improve the tone by EQ'ing things up a bit too, if you haven't already.

MattMan125a 05-13-2005 07:04 PM

I'm currently forming a band of a few friends but until we have a perminant vocalist we have decided to split up the vocals just for fun... I myself am an avid nirvana fan even though my guitar skills have far surpassed that of cobain. I just really really really really wanna know how i can get my singing voice to crack like that when i'm NOT completely screaming... i don't wanna smoke but i want to practice somehow so i can get that rattle down ... please help!

Bleeding Through 05-13-2005 11:45 PM

Hey Merkaba, I don't know if you remember giving me some screaming pointers, but after a few months of experimenting I think I've finally got it. I can growl extremely low comfortably and hit high screams with relative ease as well. The end result is my scream sounds almost exactly like Limp Bizkit's "Counterfeit" and 'Nobody Loves Me'. ( I can scream to almost all of Limp's older stuff, back when Fred still screamed hardcore.)

But in order to do the higher screams I notice I tense up my throat, but I really don't feel any pain and my speaking voice is not affected hours afterwards or even the next day (I'm even able to do some screaming the day after and not have any problems either). But my singing voice gradually sounds a bit grainy after like 4 or 5 songs, but I assume that if I keep building up my scream and keep myself properly hydrated that this will eventually go away?

Thanks Merkaba, you've helped me out greatly already.

zippcraz1one 05-14-2005 06:13 AM

please help
will some one please help me out?

AngusYoung413 05-14-2005 10:57 AM

yeah thanks for the advice cdoasis u mean your right he is only 15 and maybe i will work the EQ, thanks

EcolliJK 05-16-2005 11:38 AM


Merkaba 05-17-2005 01:07 AM

[QUOTE=Bleeding Through]Hey Merkaba, I don't know if you remember giving me some screaming pointers, but after a few months of experimenting I think I've finally got it. I can growl extremely low comfortably and hit high screams with relative ease as well. The end result is my scream sounds almost exactly like Limp Bizkit's "Counterfeit" and 'Nobody Loves Me'. ( I can scream to almost all of Limp's older stuff, back when Fred still screamed hardcore.)

But in order to do the higher screams I notice I tense up my throat, but I really don't feel any pain and my speaking voice is not affected hours afterwards or even the next day (I'm even able to do some screaming the day after and not have any problems either). But my singing voice gradually sounds a bit grainy after like 4 or 5 songs, but I assume that if I keep building up my scream and keep myself properly hydrated that this will eventually go away?

Thanks Merkaba, you've helped me out greatly already.[/QUOTE]

sounds good...play it by ear and back off when you notice negatives. But do lots of normal singing, and hard non rasp singing. It builds strength faster. And youre gonna have to pull on the cords and other muscles in your throat to hold high screams. So i cant tell you if youre even really tensing up your throat. I mean, you could be using good technique. Who knows at this point. Sounds good so far. Just pay attention to yourself, and dont be afraid to keep going hard.

sliggdogg 05-17-2005 04:49 AM

Yo Merkaba. I made an account thanks to you -_-

Anyway, first off I'd like to say beforehand I appreciate any attention you throw my way and also thanks for putting all this effort in for us vocalists.

Well here's my situation, I've been reading your screaming threads and right now I have a pretty good slipknot-esque scream that doesn't hurt (at all) and it takes a ****load out of me :/ which means I'm out of breath and I can't do it too often because.. I don't have the ''stuff'' (being oxygen or energy or whatever)

Anyway, here is a description of what it feels like. I want your opinion on whether it's good, or any tips or something (you taught me, so your approval would be good, but dont give it if something is wrong.. you know)

Ok well, before I tried screaming I could sing pretty much any linkin park / three days grace type stuff without getting tired, I was singing from my stomach and my technique is good (dads been a singer for 30 years so his tips have been very helpful indeed)

What you're post inspired me to do is this:

Well.. when I sing 'I hate everything about You' by Three Days Grace, and I'm doing the chorus, there is a certain way I alter my voice to distort it, and the distortion / pressure is somewhere around my heart. Let's call this voice altering distortion.. yummy cakes... (-_-)

What I'm doing is Yelling a Note.. the exact same Note that Corey screams, and adding yummy cakes to it.

So far.. does this sound right? What I'm trying right now to do is put less ''voice'' in there so it sounds more ''windy'' right now I'm working on that.. with a bit of success. Sometimes it hurts, but then I sing a high note to remind me what yummy cakes feels like and add it to a more falsetto-ey voice (but i open my throat as if I was gonna sing from my stomach)

Sound on track so far? (please excuse my rather strange analogies n such)

Merkaba 05-17-2005 01:29 PM

bout to go to work, I'll respond more when i get home. But a new key, thanks to Kristina is to basically practice gargling the note. You can really hit regular notes of any kind pretty well because it doesnt take as much air. This is kinda what i was getting at with my threads but I didnt really want to go into words like glottis and false vocal cords because it would be rather useless. But the area where you gargle is the general area i mean by the back of the throat. Its really just above your cords. See ya.

tatsu 05-18-2005 06:24 PM

Hey hey, I'm new to these forums(probably won't post much) but I absolutely love this thread. It's so helpful. But I've also noticed many of the same questions in the threads, so I was wondering if you could classify the screaming a lil' further(volume, rasp, ect.) I understand if it's asking a lil' much, and I see the effort you've put into this, so really, if you don't, I'm sure others, as well as I, won't mind. Anyway, thanks for all the help! I think I've really developped, and have gotten quite an interest for singing/screaming, that I may look into looking for lessons locally. You've been a great help, and have encouraged many young musicians(like myself)! Thanks!

Peg Dizzler 05-21-2005 08:57 PM

Hey Merkaba,
I'm sure you're loaded with a million other people asking questions; but I think I'm ready to move onto learning another tecnique. :)
I'll be ordering Kristina's book pretty soon, and I'm not sure if it covers these thins, I kind of doubt it. So here goes.

Do you have any advice on either inward screaming or "power falsetto"?
I don't understand inner screaming at all, so if I wanted to seriously attempt to learn that, I would need alot of help.
I somewhat understand how power falsetto works, but I don't really get how to bridge the area between head voice and falsetto, and make those high notes sound so.. full! I'm so used to using my falsetto for screaming now, so it's hard to not scream sometimes when I'm trying to work on it. Lately I've been trying the blank robot face, especially when warming up, to be able to comfortably hit high falsetto notes without tightening the throat like I used to. I can even add a little rasp to my falsetto, without pushing hard at all, but I have to concentrate on not changing it into a scream. Before I was pushing too hard to get the rasp with falsetto... so now I think I'm understanding it more, but now I'm also curious about power falsetto... :)

zippcraz1one 05-21-2005 09:44 PM

ok i stoped singing for a week. and started back to day,
i drunk water and warmed up and sung e's to warm down

and when i started my high notes, my range had gone up.
but when i tryed E2 i couldnt hit it, i could only get G2.

am i turning into a tenor or something?
im certan i was a baritone. or maybe a bass

and my falsetto is high, but when i warm up it gets lower.
and i cant scream like a girl any more.

when i warm down i can hit E2. but when warmed up it's G2
wtf is going on? really

could inward scream's be doing this?

can someone plz help me?

sorry for the bad grammar

Merkaba 05-22-2005 07:36 AM

[QUOTE=tatsu]Hey hey, I'm new to these forums(probably won't post much) but I absolutely love this thread. It's so helpful. But I've also noticed many of the same questions in the threads, so I was wondering if you could classify the screaming a lil' further(volume, rasp, ect.) I understand if it's asking a lil' much, and I see the effort you've put into this, so really, if you don't, I'm sure others, as well as I, won't mind. Anyway, thanks for all the help! I think I've really developped, and have gotten quite an interest for singing/screaming, that I may look into looking for lessons locally. You've been a great help, and have encouraged many young musicians(like myself)! Thanks![/QUOTE]
Well if you've got a question I'll try to answer it/them. But my point is that there really is no classification of screaming, and its kinda detrimental to think of it that way. The only thing your cords can do is close up and vibrate, or come close to closing up... Thats it. you can "whistle" air through them too, but thats a different story. But all the other things occur after this simple fact. So if you learn to close up the cords alone...then you can get on with adding all of these other affects and whatnot.

denboy 05-22-2005 08:41 AM

Quick question.. Alcohol hurts your vocal cords....... But how?.. Is it because the vocal cords tense up and you hurt them if you talk? So if you only drank alcohol, and didn't use your voice at all, it wouldn't hurt them?

Screamin_Demon_Auz 05-22-2005 10:34 AM

I know awhile back you were going to try to hit some whistle notes, and eventually did. Could you kind of explain the process or technique you tried in order to get those notes?

zippcraz1one 05-22-2005 12:26 PM

[QUOTE=zippcraz1one]ok i stoped singing for a week. and started back to day,
i drunk water and warmed up and sung e's to warm down

and when i started my high notes, my range had gone up.
but when i tryed E2 i couldnt hit it, i could only get G2.

am i turning into a tenor or something?
im certan i was a baritone. or maybe a bass

and my falsetto is high, but when i warm up it gets lower.
and i cant scream like a girl any more.

when i warm down i can hit E2. but when warmed up it's G2
wtf is going on? really

could inward scream's be doing this?

can someone plz help me?

sorry for the bad grammar[/QUOTE]

some one please help me :upset:

Merkaba 05-22-2005 05:16 PM

[QUOTE=Knifeboy]Quick question.. Alcohol hurts your vocal cords....... But how?.. Is it because the vocal cords tense up and you hurt them if you talk? So if you only drank alcohol, and didn't use your voice at all, it wouldn't hurt them?[/QUOTE]
Take any kind of alcohol and put in on your skin... It will render you dry. Thats the nature of alcohol. So as it is moving through your body and bumping into braincells and killing them, it circulates through the cord vessels as well and drys your cords out...to some extent. So then you go and try to sing and you have to press them together harder for a true seal, and dry cords dont work well in falsetto either. To some extent...again...you might not be able to tell the difference...maybe not for years. But anything that takes moisture away from the cords, including caffeine...typically isnt in your best interest. But I've been consuming alot of it lately...due to work. Its not like if you get drunk and sing, youre gonna do permanent damage...no. But just be aware of whats going on internally.

Helmet 05-22-2005 05:37 PM

Just a quick question, has anyone here ever gotten laryngitis from yelling? I seem to have gotten it the other day after yelling a bit...

denboy 05-23-2005 02:17 AM

[QUOTE=Merkaba-1]Take any kind of alcohol and put in on your skin... It will render you dry. Thats the nature of alcohol. So as it is moving through your body and bumping into braincells and killing them, it circulates through the cord vessels as well and drys your cords out...to some extent. So then you go and try to sing and you have to press them together harder for a true seal, and dry cords dont work well in falsetto either. To some extent...again...you might not be able to tell the difference...maybe not for years. But anything that takes moisture away from the cords, including caffeine...typically isnt in your best interest. But I've been consuming alot of it lately...due to work. Its not like if you get drunk and sing, youre gonna do permanent damage...no. But just be aware of whats going on internally.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's how I thought it worked...
So this means, in theory, if you drank alcohol, and didn't use your voice untill it had cleared your system, it wouldn't hurt your vocal cords?

Merkaba 05-23-2005 04:28 PM

[QUOTE=Knifeboy]Yeah, that's how I thought it worked...
So this means, in theory, if you drank alcohol, and didn't use your voice untill it had cleared your system, it wouldn't hurt your vocal cords?[/QUOTE]
Theoretically...and by "dont use your voice" you also mean things not neccesarily about music...such as talking loudly in a bar, ball game, etc.

[QUOTE=Helmet]Just a quick question, has anyone here ever gotten laryngitis from yelling? I seem to have gotten it the other day after yelling a bit...[/QUOTE]
Never had laryngitis or loss my voice ever. Lucky me...even as a child. Now i have blown out my singing voice and been pretty hoarse for two days before.

If its laryngitis this you means you have some infection of the vocal coards. Its hard to tell if its laryngitis or just blown voice unless you go to the doctor. Either way, dont sing or whisper much. And limit talking actually.

[QUOTE=CDoasis]Hey Merkaba,
I'm sure you're loaded with a million other people asking questions; but I think I'm ready to move onto learning another tecnique. :)
I'll be ordering Kristina's book pretty soon, and I'm not sure if it covers these thins, I kind of doubt it. So here goes.

Do you have any advice on either inward screaming or "power falsetto"?
I don't understand inner screaming at all, so if I wanted to seriously attempt to learn that, I would need alot of help.
I somewhat understand how power falsetto works, but I don't really get how to bridge the area between head voice and falsetto, and make those high notes sound so.. full! I'm so used to using my falsetto for screaming now, so it's hard to not scream sometimes when I'm trying to work on it. Lately I've been trying the blank robot face, especially when warming up, to be able to comfortably hit high falsetto notes without tightening the throat like I used to. I can even add a little rasp to my falsetto, without pushing hard at all, but I have to concentrate on not changing it into a scream. Before I was pushing too hard to get the rasp with falsetto... so now I think I'm understanding it more, but now I'm also curious about power falsetto... :)[/QUOTE]

I know absolutely nothing about inward screaming. Some people can do it alot and make it sound good..some cant. So be careful with that...

You just have to be sure youre keeping a relaxed throat when you go through your bridge. It just takes time and practice til you realize when to quit trying to hit full voice. I dont know alot of tecniques for getting the feel of powerfalsetto...other than try to sing the note full voice first...or go for that feel..but then let it flip over into falsetto, and continue to feel both as you sing the note. It will take some muslce coordinations that you might not be aware of...though you've probably yelled at someone before with it, or mimmicked a band with it and didnt know.

[QUOTE=zippcraz1one]ok i stoped singing for a week. and started back to day,
i drunk water and warmed up and sung e's to warm down

and when i started my high notes, my range had gone up.
but when i tryed E2 i couldnt hit it, i could only get G2.

am i turning into a tenor or something?
im certan i was a baritone. or maybe a bass

and my falsetto is high, but when i warm up it gets lower.
and i cant scream like a girl any more.

when i warm down i can hit E2. but when warmed up it's G2
wtf is going on? really

could inward scream's be doing this?

can someone plz help me?

sorry for the bad grammar[/QUOTE]
I dont get it.

Ok, I'm guessing youre counting middle C as C1, and not C4? So You can sing a G2 which is higher than an E2...right? Is this in true voice? But when you warm down you cant hit the E? Is this during your warm down or after it? Please repost and clarify your situation.
I know awhile back you were going to try to hit some whistle notes, and eventually did. Could you kind of explain the process or technique you tried in order to get those notes?[/QUOTE]
Yea...its comming along rather slowly...but way more than back when i posted that. As far as how to do it...its pretty hard to describe...but i pull my cords up like im gonna hit a head voice note....but clamp them together and dont let them vibrate....then push air through them. I'm gonna post a sample when i get one up for that "Range" thread. My cords arent in the best shape these past couple of days due to too much coffee and not enough rest....with work. I was gonna quit the caffeine today for a week or so...but had to get up with only 2 hours sleep...so i gave in.

zippcraz1one 05-23-2005 04:50 PM

yes im kind of confused by notes one say's that C3 is middle C

and 5 other thing's say's it's not any way i use a tool called pitch practice

witch says C4 is middle C,so im going by that. lol

when im not warmed up i can hit E2 when i am warmed up
the lowest i can go is G2 true voice

the highest i can go true voice is G4 when im warmed up
the highest i can go when im not warmed up is C4 to D4

so i think i use C4 as middle C.

the highest falsetto i can when not warmed up is C6.
the highest falsetto i can get when im warmed up is about G5.

and the less i practice, the higher my range seems to get. wtf?

im dont even know if im pushing from the gut or not.

so basicaly i can hit higher falsetto notes when not warmed up.
and lower falsetto notes when warmed up.

is that good or bad?

i think im loseing my falsetto, its just not as high as it was when i was 15.

and i think that inhaled screams are what's doing this.

and is it supposed to be easy to hit and hold notes

cuz i can hold my tone when im talking and stuff

and im just feeling thats it's way too easy i dont know whats happening

i hope im not turning into a tenor or somthing "if thats even possible"
cuz i like being a baritone.

panthersfan16 05-23-2005 08:56 PM

I really hate hearing my voice on recordings...it seems to lack power, and when I start to sing high notes, I can hear problems with the pitch, and I can hear an annoying kind of buzz in my voice...is this bad technique or just bad pipes?

Merkaba 05-23-2005 09:15 PM

[QUOTE=zippcraz1one]yes im kind of confused by notes one say's that C3 is middle C

and 5 other thing's say's it's not any way i use a tool called pitch practice

witch says C4 is middle C,so im going by that. lol

when im not warmed up i can hit E2 when i am warmed up
the lowest i can go is G2 true voice

the highest i can go true voice is G4 when im warmed up
the highest i can go when im not warmed up is C4 to D4

so i think i use C4 as middle C.

the highest falsetto i can when not warmed up is C6.
the highest falsetto i can get when im warmed up is about G5.

and the less i practice, the higher my range seems to get. wtf?

im dont even know if im pushing from the gut or not.

so basicaly i can hit higher falsetto notes when not warmed up.
and lower falsetto notes when warmed up.

is that good or bad?

i think im loseing my falsetto, its just not as high as it was when i was 15.

and i think that inhaled screams are what's doing this.

and is it supposed to be easy to hit and hold notes

cuz i can hold my tone when im talking and stuff

and im just feeling thats it's way too easy i dont know whats happening

i hope im not turning into a tenor or somthing "if thats even possible"
cuz i like being a baritone.[/QUOTE]
How old are you now? Your larynx will get bigger as you go through puberty and whatnot, and it can really make your voice act up a bit. I dont really know what to tell you other than keep singing and see how it goes. If youre still pretty young, there's no telling where you might end up...as far as the fach system goes.

Merkaba 05-23-2005 09:16 PM

[QUOTE=zippcraz1one]yes im kind of confused by notes one say's that C3 is middle C

and 5 other thing's say's it's not any way i use a tool called pitch practice

witch says C4 is middle C,so im going by that. lol

when im not warmed up i can hit E2 when i am warmed up
the lowest i can go is G2 true voice

the highest i can go true voice is G4 when im warmed up
the highest i can go when im not warmed up is C4 to D4

so i think i use C4 as middle C.

the highest falsetto i can when not warmed up is C6.
the highest falsetto i can get when im warmed up is about G5.

and the less i practice, the higher my range seems to get. wtf?

im dont even know if im pushing from the gut or not.

so basicaly i can hit higher falsetto notes when not warmed up.
and lower falsetto notes when warmed up.

is that good or bad?

i think im loseing my falsetto, its just not as high as it was when i was 15.

and i think that inhaled screams are what's doing this.

and is it supposed to be easy to hit and hold notes

cuz i can hold my tone when im talking and stuff

and im just feeling thats it's way too easy i dont know whats happening

i hope im not turning into a tenor or somthing "if thats even possible"
cuz i like being a baritone.[/QUOTE]
How old are you now? Your larynx will get bigger as you go through puberty and whatnot, and it can really make your voice act up a bit. I dont really know what to tell you other than keep singing and see how it goes. If youre still pretty young, there's no telling where you might end up...as far as the fach system goes. You should post a sample

zippcraz1one 05-23-2005 09:28 PM

[QUOTE=Merkaba-1]How old are you now? Your larynx will get bigger as you go through puberty and whatnot, and it can really make your voice act up a bit. I dont really know what to tell you other than keep singing and see how it goes. If youre still pretty young, there's no telling where you might end up...as far as the fach system goes. You should post a sample[/QUOTE]

im 16 now.
if i post a sound clip could you tell me if im singing from my gut?

i forgot to ask this in my first post sorry but how can i tell
if i have a node

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