No Guts. No Glory. (Special Edition)

very poor


by DaveyBoy EMERITUS
April 14th, 2010 | 209 replies

Release Date: 2010 | Tracklist

Review Summary: When affable larrikins cross the line & plunge to deplorable depths.

Everyone has known such a person at one stage or another... A mischievous, frolicsome and boisterous young man whose jocular behaviour and playful antics are strangely affable and usually good-natured. They can be fun to be around at times, while annoying at others. Individuals will treat them differently, some telling them to “f**k off” after two seconds and others putting up with them for close to a lifetime. Such a character (known as a larrikin in Australia) will almost always cross the line however… A certain trigger will mean they transform from boisterous to rowdy, from affable to irksome. On ‘No Guts. No Glory.’, Australian hard-rock quartet Airbourne cross the line.

While formulaic, dated and derivative, the band’s previous LP ‘Runnin’ Wild’ had something strangely likeable about it. Sure, some people despised it, but others felt it was harmless and, more importantly, fun. It resulted in increased exposure and sales, meaning that the band was now playing lavish arenas worldwide, instead of grimy pubs down under. On the surface, one stage is just like any other, but what of the backstage facilities? On the surface, ‘No Guts. No Glory.’ appears to be a retread of ‘Runnin’ Wild’, but the carefree nature and all of that fun has been drained from the band. Not helped by excessively slick production by Johnny K (Disturbed, 3 Doors Down, Plain White T’s), this is a measured and calculated release which is ultimately anything but likeable… Quite the opposite at times.

For those unaware of Airbourne’s musical prowess, it can be described with four letters and a slash; AC/DC. Strongly dependant on riffs, solos and yelping vocals (all provided by Joel O’Keefe), it is a highly derivative sound that ran its race well over two decades ago. It seems that Airbourne believe in the sound however, since they have practically written the same song over and over again. Any track could be randomly chosen from ‘No Guts. No Glory.’ to give a strong indication as to what the rest of the LP sounds like. There are no ballads (the mid-tempo ‘Bottom of The Well’ comes closest), practically no experimentation and very little variety. Choosing highlights is a tough task, although the high-octane, bass-driven ‘Raise The Flag’ and rousing climax to ‘Armed and Dangerous’ are worth mentioning.

Using neanderthalic rhymes that MC Hammer would be proud of, the lyrics are in your face and exclusively concern rock ‘n’ roll, girls, drinking and partying. Of course, there are occasional moments where the cheeky lads are a little subtler (as a sledgehammer), such as “Chewin’ the fat baby, you know where it’s at”. The repetitive choruses never leave song titles in doubt and are memorable for all the wrong reasons. Rarely catchy, there are no moments such as “You’ve been… Thunderstruck” and nothing as recitable as “It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock ‘n’ roll”. Is it really that difficult to write a chorus that consists of more than two lines? In fact, you could fashion a ‘Guess the next line Drinking Game’ out of most songs: (1) “Get Busy Livin’ or …..” (2) “It Ain’t Over ‘Till …..”. No beer for a year if you got either of those two wrong!

“BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE… If you order now, we’ll throw in five bonus tracks and a bottle opener”. Bonus tracks are usually a neutral proposition since they are indeed nothing but a bonus. However, in the case of ‘No Guts. No Glory’, these five tracks totalling less than fourteen minutes are indeed a negative. Three of them are more of the same and simply prolong the pain, while the other two plunge to ludicrous depths that even this band should be above. If the title of ‘My Dynamite Will Blow You Sky High (And Get Ya Moanin’ After Midnight)’ does not tell you enough, something about “cleaning the dregs running down your legs” should. Meanwhile, the deplorable ‘Kickin’ It Old School’ could be worse, coming off as Vanilla Ice meets Nickelback! It truly is a dreadful ending to an already poor record. If you happen to be in the mood for some hard-rock, ignore this macho posturing and get out your copy of ‘Back In Black’ or ‘Pyromania’ instead.

Recommended Tracks: Raise The Flag & Armed and Dangerous.

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April 15th 2010


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

This review is for all of the affable larrikins here on SputnikMusic. Don’t cross the line now!

Oh, and for all of you who thought I was joking about the bottle opener…..


Staff Reviewer
April 15th 2010


How many affable larrikins are there on Sputz?

April 15th 2010


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

For me; there are many.

For others (maybe yourself); you probably told them to f**k off after 2 seconds!

Staff Reviewer
April 15th 2010


Please tell me that's an electronic bottle opener that says "YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" when you use it

April 15th 2010


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

LOL. I have a Die Hard one that goes "Yippee Kay Ay MotherPlucker".

Like I'd know re: the Airbourne one. Maybe it sings out "My dynamite will blow you sky high & get ya moanin' after midnight"

April 15th 2010


Nice review. I pos'd. This doesn't sound like my thing. Other generic comment.

April 15th 2010


am i a larrikin davey? =)

April 15th 2010


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

Don't lie to me Trey. Firstly, you didn't pos, and secondly, this is your thing. This & RATT.

Hmmm, tough question Jim. Do you wander around with no shirt on raising a Gibson in the air, while tornados & semi-naked blondes wait for you in the background?

That album art is just ..., .... Someone help me out with the word I'm looking for.

April 15th 2010


I pos all the time. I hand them out like they're free. This and RATT are my thing. Ok, I like a few 80s bands, but not RATT or an AC/DC clone.

April 15th 2010


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

I think Airbourne should hand out those bottle openers like they're free... And without the album as accompaniment.

April 15th 2010


Yeah, because all music is better with beer (and the best beer requires bottle openers… except for Guinness).

April 15th 2010


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

Can't say I'm a huge Guinness fan, but agree with the overall sentiment.

Getting this back to the music, I have not personally seen Airbourne live, but I would guess that they work much better in the live environment than they do on record. This goes triple if you've had a few of those aforementioned brewskis.

April 15th 2010


These guys would probably be pretty fun live. I can handle almost any concert after a few beers.

April 15th 2010


while tornados & semi-naked blondes wait for you in the background?

sounds like me

April 15th 2010


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

"I can handle almost any concert after a few beers." Brave comment. I would have thought getting off your face at a really bad act could result in some choice words being sent the relevnat act's way.

"sounds like me" Well Dougie, you're closer to Warrnambool than most of us!!! Maybe you are secretly one of the band members!

April 15th 2010


Album Rating: 1.5

Nice review, pretty much sums up my thoughts on the album (same shit, different smell etc.). just one correction;

"it can be described with four letter and a backslash; AC/DC."

That's a slash, not a backslash. Backslash is the other one. Minor point, i know. Just thought i'd mention it in case you were bothered.

Saw these guys live at download a couple of years ago and they were actually good fun. Nothing particularly memorable though!

April 15th 2010


haha very enjoyable review... i liked a few tracks of the previous album...

it cant really be as bad as you say... can it?

April 15th 2010


technically that slash should be a lightning bolt

April 15th 2010


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

"Nice review, pretty much sums up my thoughts on the album (same shit, different smell etc.)." Thanks BishyBoshy.

"That's a slash, not a backslash. Backslash is the other one." Good call. I always get them mixed up. I will edit it.

"Saw these guys live at download a couple of years ago and they were actually good fun. Nothing particularly memorable though!" Not surprised. Would be perfect for some fun at a festival I'd reckon.

"haha very enjoyable review... i liked a few tracks of the previous album... it cant really be as bad as you say... can it?" Thanks Jips. Well, I gave their previous album a 3. It sort of grew on me & I really thought it was much more fun & good-natured than this. Plus, I enjoyed 5 or 6 tracks, where the pickings are slim this time around. Just note though, that I have been nice & given the standard version of this album a 2.

"technically that slash should be a lightning bolt" It took me long enough to get that picture of the bottle-opener up Jim. I definitely wasn't going to try my luck with placing a lightning bolt in the review.

April 15th 2010


Album Rating: 3.0

Listening to this right now. Up to "Steel Town". Had most of the same thoughts you did, Dave-o. Particularly about how they've been writing the same song ever since their debut 'Ready To Rock'.

The difference between us is that I don't mind, and I've been having loads of fun with the album so far. Look for a review/soundoff in the near future.

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